Cold coffee

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Beca was tapping her fingers nervously on the table, her coffee getting cold and her eyes fixed on the door. She had found this cozy place a few days ago, while walking around her new neighborhood. It was a nice place and she used to step in every day to just sit there and think. She would usually become sad and her coffee would be almost untouched. This time wasn't like any other day though, and she was nervous. After checking the time on her phone for the 7th time, Beca let out a sigh full of unspoken words and suddenly jumped when she heard the tinkling sound indicating someone was opening the door. She sat straight and swallowed hard when she saw the blonde walk in the coffee shop and walk towards her once she spotted the brunette.

"Hi um... thank you for coming." Beca said unsure, while Aubrey sat at the table. The blonde only nodded coldly and once she was comfortably holding her hands together facing Beca, she started talking.

"Alright Beca, I only agreed on coming here because I really want to help my best friend. So spill it out, what do you want to do?" Aubrey was serious and her eyes showed mostly anger. Nevertheless Beca could spot some hint of concern there too, so she let out the first question that came to her mind.

"How is she?" Beca asked shyly.

"How... How is she? How is she!? Are you fucking serious!?" Aubrey almost yelled, but then decided to hiss instead. She was in a public place after all. She let out an exasperating groan holding her head for a second while Beca waited holding her breath. Then she continued "You literally broke her heart, Beca. How could you talk to her like that? I honestly thought that you were feeling the same way she was. I mean! Didn't you get all the hints she threw at your face? Didn't you suspect at least that you were really important for her?"

Silence. Beca's eyes were fixed on her coffee now. At least they were having a conversation, something had improved in a year.

"I didn't. I am the dumbest person on Earth." Beca answered in a low voice, without lifting her sight.

"That's an understatement." Aubrey snapped. Beca knew she was right.

"I am not good with feelings, I am weird with that stuff! I thought that was what being best friends was like... I thought she was just being friend Chloe, not in love Chloe..."

"Really? After all the flirting she did on you? Did you know all the lyrics she suggested for the Bellas were dedicated to you? Do you have any idea of how many nights she fell asleep cuddling a pillow and crying? Do you even fucking imagine how it felt like to be IN LOVE with someone who was with someone else? And she was able to keep herself together through all those years, only because she was so happy being your best friend!"

"I know" I know, ok? Don't shout please." Beca's eyes were staring at Aubrey's now, filled with tears. "That night I regretted my words immediately, I wanted to take them back, I wanted to talk to her, but I ran and I saw you driving away... I called her and texted her and she never answered... I went to her room but she wasn't there! So then I just... I went back to the party and drunk myself off."

Beca Mitchell was actually crying, looking at the table while she spoke. Aubrey was surprised, her anger softening a bit. What Beca was saying was true, the blonde herself had gotten calls and texts that night and the following days, but she hadn't answered any but one.

Stop, she doesn't want to hear from you. We're leaving to L.A. she got the job and hopefully a new life.

After that Beca didn't try reaching the redhead again. She'd had the urge though. Her and Chloe had been attached to the hip for four years, they'd really bonded, and it was unbearable to miss her.

"...then I crashed on my mattress, right there on the floor. My life had been a fucking mess since then... Every day I wonder why I didn't keep trying, texting, calling..." The brunette's words drifted away and became sobs. She was crying her heart out, and it looked like it was the first time since the incident happened.

"Why are you in L.A. anyway?" Aubrey asked, her voice became soft as she tried to change subject slightly, making an effort to keep herself in the annoyed attitude in front of the broken brunette.

"I... I'm starting a new life." Beca answered in between hiccups. "Jesse and I are not together anymore, he... didn't understand and I..." She started crying again, hugging herself. It was a sad picture. Aubrey sighed.

"You know... Chloe... she's not the same anymore." The blonde confessed, leaning closer to Beca, serious and concerned. "Things have changed since you've fucked up, Beca. She couldn't get over you."

"What? But I thought you two..." Beca said, wiping some tears confused.

"Are you crazy? She's my best friend I told you, she's always been and she'll always be."

"Why did you come to L.A. with her then? I thought you had that camp..."

"Yes I still have that 'camp' as you say, Lodge Fallen Leaves. I left someone else in charge because Chloe needs me." Aubrey let out another sigh and pierced her eyes to Beca's concerned. "Chloe has been having some problems... she was quite fine the first week, then she started having these panic attacks... she wouldn't leave the apartment alone."

Beca gasped and took a hand to her mouth, her eyes wide open in shock. Chloe Beale changing that much?

"What like agoraphobia?"

"Something like that." Aubrey replied, tears in her eyes. She was feeling desperate. "I have been trying to help her, she improved a little bit and three days ago she felt brave enough to go to the supermarket alone for the second time... and there you were. Now she's stuck in the apartment again!" She covered her face with her hands, trying to keep the tears inside. The situation overwhelmed her, she wanted her best friend to be happy and healthy, to be herself. She didn't know what to do.

"As much as I would like to slap you right now hobbit, I think you are the only one who can help Chloe get back. You owe it to her anyway. And to me, I hurt my wrist breaking down your laptop." A tiny smirk started forming on Beca's face, but it faded quickly when she saw Aubrey's cold expression. At least she used my nickname again, you don't kill someone with a nickname, right? She thought.

"And well..." Aubrey sighed. "I honestly don't understand why, but I'm pretty sure she still loves you. So you have one chance! Only one, you hear me!?"

Her emphasis slamming her palm on the table made Beca nod obediently.

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