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Just as Beca remembered, only half block away from Meredith park there was a small but quite famous German restaurant. Amy and her were excited and scared at the same time, but Beca trusted her instincts... and she also got police backup just in case. In a previous quick meeting with the chief policewoman in the region, Beca explained the situation and they both agreed that police shouldn't show up until Chloe was safe. They made a plan together and that's how time passed by and around 7 pm Beca and Fat Amy were stepping in the restaurant. It was an early dinner for them but the point wasn't the food. They had one hour to find and rescue Chloe. Both friends sat at a table for two next to the window and looked around.

"Amy! Please don't be so obvious" Beca whispered seeing her friend was exaggerating a yawn standing up and looking around deliberately.

Amy apologized, sat on her chair and grabbed the menu. Soon after that a waiter approached and they ordered. As the waiter walked away Beca instructed Amy to be alert and keep an eye on every waiter and waitress in the place. The blonde nodded with a serious expression she learned in the spies movies, and the brunette walked casually towards the back of the restaurant.

Let's see Beca, if you understood what Chloe tried to tell you... I hope I understood! Otherwise she will be in danger because I won't be there to pay and also the police would hate me forever, every time I need the police they will remember I was the stupid woman who got a wrong clue from her kidnapped lover and... lover? That sounds amazing! Anyway Beca, trust your instincts, don't freak out... yet. If Chloe said it smelled she must be somewhere around here, inside the restaurant. There's no apartments on top of it so she should either be in the back or under-

"Excuse me madam, what are you doing here?" Beca's thoughts were interrupted by a woman's voice with a strong accent. Beca turned around to find a tall woman whose eyes were full of suspicion.

"Oh hi!" Beca answered regaining her composure. "I was just looking for the toilet! Haha I can't believe how big this place is..." She kept her forced smile until the tension in the woman's face disappeared and a smile formed in her face too.

"You were heading towards the kitchen, only staff allowed there I'm afraid... Toilets are on the other side, there's a big sign, see?" The woman walked next to Beca with a hand on her back and pointed in the toilet's direction. Beca didn't know how to hide the embarrassment from her face, she was struggling with what to say next when she heard something.

It was a song, one that Beca knew so well because it was her singing. And it was Chloe's ringtone. The music came from the woman's pocket. She quickly put her hand in the pocket and walked away from Beca.

"Amy! Chloe must be here, I bet there's a basement here or something. That woman has her phone" Beca whispered as quietly as she could when she ran back to her table. Her cheeks were red and her breath agitated.


Meanwhile in the basement, Chloe managed to stand up in an awkward position that would be really funny to see in a different situation. The chair was still on her back and her hands tied to it. Chloe's mind was thinking loudly. I can finally be with Beca and this shit happens. I won't let these people ruin my day. What if she has no money? They can hurt her... and I don't want her to pay for me anyway. I hope she got my hint on where to find me... I'll get out of here right now.

A smile appeared on her face when she found a broken mirror. Half walking and half jumping Chloe managed to get closer and used a sharp end to cut the lace and free her hands.

"Ha! Easy" She said to herself. Now how could she get out of the basement? Maybe she could just wait until someone came in looking for her and she could use the chair to give them a headache...


Beca was checking the menu once again. There must be something.

"Did you request a waiter, miss?"

"Yes uhm Hi. I would like one of these specialty beers. It says here I have to ask a waiter about them."

"No problem, do you wish something else?"

"No but... can you assure me they are good quality? I mean, you should keep the beer somewhere dark and protected against sunlight..." Beca was making this up, she had no idea.

"Oh yes, don't worry about that. They are in the basement, I'll bring it to you right away." With that the waiter walked away and Beca smirked proudly. She counted 4 seconds aloud and then Amy and her stood up and followed the waiter. Both friends had only a fraction of a second to hide in a corner when the waiter was stopped by the same woman as before.

"Where are you going?" She asked the confused guy.

"Well I'm going to the basement because a customer asked for a beer and-"

The woman cut him off, "Ok, let me get it." She said and pushed the guy away kinda roughly.

He walked passed Beca and Amy without seeing them and as the woman headed to the basement they followed her.

"Madam, how can I help you?" A warm voice surprised Amy, who was walking behind Beca. She closed her eyes for an instant and cursed to herself. Then faced the waiter.

"Hello, I was going to the kitchen to... umm... to talk to the cheff" Amy said, scratching the back of her neck.

Beca could hear her friend being delayed behind and she decided to go on alone. This could be the only chance to rescue Chloe.

The German woman got to a small door leading to a staircase to the basement. Beca's head was spinning because she didn't really have a plan, how could she proceed now? Beca was still thinking next to the door and she heard a loud noise and a scream from the basement. Without thinking twice she decided to run down the stairs. If anything happens to Chloe...

Suddenly she was tackled to the floor. It happened in an instant, her back hit the floor painfully and she could only see the ceiling and red hair.

"Chloe!?" Beca exclaimed in surprise, hugging Chloe's waist. A quick blush showed on her face when she realized Chloe was lying on top of her. She must have been running up the stairs and just bumped into Beca. Their eyes met.

"Beca!? Oh my God you found me!" Chloe's relief was heard in her shaky voice. They helped each other stand up and were squeezed in Amy's arms.

"Are you hurt, Chlo?" Beca asked worried.

Chloe didn't answer, instead she just smiled brightly, cupped Beca's cheek and kissed her passionately.

Police officers ran passed them to get the woman in the basement, others talked to Amy letting her know they got the man in the park waiting for the payment. All the waiters and customers were standing around them, some applauding, some filling the others in with what the heck had happened... Chloe and Beca weren't there anymore, they were in a different world. A world of their own. That simple kiss meant so much to them. It meant relief, hope, strength and love.


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