She failed maps

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Chloe woke up to a sore neck and groaned lightly trying to focus her vision. The place she saw wasn't familiar and panic started rising inside her when she tried to move her hands and felt they were tied behind her back. She was sitting on a wooden chair in the corner of a small room. It looked like a basement in Chloe's eyes, she saw old furniture and things that apparently hadn't been used in ages.

Chloe noticed the sun was shining through the tiny window on her right, so she must have spent the night in that place. Taking deep breaths she tried remembering. She had been speaking with Aubrey on the phone, about Beca. She was sitting under a tree in some park she found while walking without destination. When the conversation was over she stood up and hit her head very hard with a low branch of the tree. Now Chloe could feel the remaining pain on her head to certify the memory. Making a bigger effort she remembered everything got blurry and she almost fell on the grass. Someone held her arm... Yes she could remember that happened and then they started walking. She was dizzy and lost but the person said she could take her to the hospital. The woman kept asking things, to make sure Chloe was conscious but then... then she remembers nothing.

The door opened and smell of food slapped Chloe's nose. Looked like she was hungry. Swallowing hard she concentrated on the person walking down the stairs towards her. Chloe recognized the woman from the previous night, the one who was supposed to help her.

"You!" Chloe said furious. If her hands weren't tied up she would punch that woman without hesitation.

"Woo there, no violence" The woman said with a strong accent. "We didn't hurt you so if I was you I wouldn't do anything crazy." She continued with a smirk, walking around Chloe slowly, her eyes fixed on her. Then she showed Chloe's phone. "Is this your phone? Why don't you call your 'famous music producer' and ask her to bring us money?"

"When we saw you in the park we just wanted to steal your bag first" Now the strong accent came from a man who was standing in front of Chloe too. "Not a good neighborhood for a rich girl."

"I am not rich!" Chloe stated.

"Oh we know that now... but you told us about your friend before we put you to sleep. She must be... how do you say? Swimming in money" The woman said, and then both laughed.

Chloe felt furious and scared and guilty, all at the same time. She had finally decided to be brave and follow her heart, to go back and share with Beca all her doubts. And then she is so stupid and tells a stranger details of her life. To be honest Chloe doesn't even know if Beca has lots of money or not... But 'music producer' nowadays usually means money so there's no way these people would believe otherwise.

The woman showed the phone to Chloe and she told the woman how to find Beca's number. Once it was dialing, the phone was approached to Chloe's ear. The brunette answered after the first tone.

"Chloe! Jeez Chlo, where are you?" Her voice sounded desperate and worried.

The man in front of Chloe was showing her a piece of paper with instructions.

"Becs, hey. I'm alright, they didn't hurt me. I'm kidnapped... I think" Chloe said slowly.

"What!? Chloe what happened, are you ok? Where are you? I'll call-"

"No Beca, don't call the police. They think you have lots of money for some reason... They want 50k as a ransom" Chloe saw the couple smirking and remembered something. "Meet them tonight at 8 in Meredith Park... They want you to take the money in a picnic basket and go alone." Now it was the moment to risk it. "Oh and Becs, if anything happens to me I just want you to know that the apple pie you baked smells good. I'm sorry." And just when Chloe finished the sentence, the woman hung up and saved Chloe's phone in her poket again.

"I just felt guilty because I didn't have a chance to say it before..." Chloe explained casually. The man shrugged and they both walked out of the room again.


Beca was going crazy. When the phone call ended so suddenly she tried to call back again many times without success. She had thrown her phone on the couch and was now pacing around the living room talking to Amy.

"Amy, what the hell... She sounded like she's about to die and she talks about apple pie!? And why is this happening to her, why?"

"But she said she's not hurt? Maybe they just want money"

"Yes of course they want money and not even God will be able to help them if they touch Chloe!" Beca punched her palm so hard it made her let out a small 'Ouch' Then she groaned running her hands through her hair while sitting down on the couch. "Why does this happen to her? This is so unfair, she didn't do anything wrong, she is just suffering all the time... and dude, I didn't even bake the apple pie, she did" Beca started crying in her hands.

"Maybe she tried to say something else with that?" Amy suggested, concerned.

Beca didn't move and started thinking aloud.

"So... maybe she wanted me to over think about the apple pie... why would she want that?" The brunette was now facing Amy.

"Well what happened when she was baking the apple pie?"

Beca took a few minutes to remember the details, "Well we were about to bake cookies... and then she suggested apple pie because it was her specialty..." Beca smiled at the memories and so did Amy. Her camera was still on. "Oh and then I told her it was the first thing I learnt in German class! Do you think she tried to say that?"

"Yeah can be German people who got her maybe?" Amy got excited too and stood up from the couch.

"Makes sense if they didn't want to talk to me on the phone... but if that's true..." Beca was concentrating deeply. "If that's true then it means they are easy to find... but that doesn't make sense, there must be lots of Germans in LA" She lay back on the couch frustrated.

"Did the apple pie smell good? Amy asked after a few minutes of silence.

"What?" Beca was startled out of her thoughts.

"Well she could have said 'Bring apple pie' or 'I hate your apple pie' but instead she said it smells good"

Beca's face illuminated with a smile as she stood up and hugged Amy tightly.

"Amy you're a genius! She must have been trying to say something else. I'll make some calls and try to get the money just in case, you get ready. We are going to a German Restaurant for dinner"

Let me fix the broken piecesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora