Michigan cookies

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Beca was driving slower as they were approaching their destination. The street was crowded because it was LA and because it was Friday. If Beca was completely honest with herself, she didn't really like the crowds either. She'd rather frequent less crowded places and sit in the corner of the rooms just having a cocktail with a friend or two just watching the other people. But Beca knew she had to be different for Chloe, at least a bit different, she had to make an effort.

"Will you tell me where exactly we're going?" Chloe asked. It was good to see the change in her compared with the other day when they were going to the park. She was still nervous, of course, and it would increase in a minute or two when they enter the bar. But at least she wasn't clutching Beca's hand this time, and her eyes were glowing with some excitement and curiosity.

"We're here!" Beca said stopping the car in a small sized parking lot by the crowded street. Chloe looked out of the window and saw a building painted in red and black and illuminated by many lights. There was a big sign on top that read MICHIGAN. They got out of the car.

"Looks good" Chloe said, her eyes still examining the place.

"Right? I heard it's a good bar. The owner is my boss' cousin. Let's get inside?" Beca reached out to hold Chloe's hand. The gesture made the redhead blush. It wasn't because of the touch or surprise, because they actually held hands a lot lately. It was because this time Beca spoke in extreme kindness. Chloe smiled and they walked in.

Both friends looked around in awe once they stepped inside the bar. The decoration was exquisite. Beca counted around 20 people inside and they all seemed to be having fun and drinking without complaints of any kind. That was enough for her to approve so she guided Chloe straight to the bar itself. They sat on wooden benches there and Beca sighed turning her attention to Chloe once again.

"How are you feeling?"

"I'm good" The redhead answered with a little smile. Their hands were still together but they didn't bother to notice. "Why is this place called Michigan in LA anyw-?"

"That, pretty lady, is because I come from Michigan" A young woman interrupted from the other side of the bar. Chloe let out a tiny "Oh" and the woman continued talking while mixing cocktails with expert ability. "I came here and then I thought I wanted to have a bar and then I thought I would call it Michigan because hell yeah, we make the best effin fudge ever! You ain't gonna find that in LA" And she ended with a wink before walking towards a couple and handing them their drinks.

Chloe and Beca looked at each other with eyes wide open and nodded in approval. The woman came back and reached out to shake their hands. Aiming to shake it is when Chloe and Beca notice their hands have been together all the time and they look at each other a bit surprised.

"Oh don't worry about that, we're gay friendly here" The woman assured with another wink and this made the two friends blush. "I'm Sasha, the owner of the place. Nice to meet you"

"Hi, I'm Beca. Um I work at Revi Music..." Beca said while shaking Sasha's hand.

"Ooh! You work with my cousin! Did he recommend the bar to you? He's such a pineapple!" Sasha said, very happy. After shaking Chloe's hand she added "So what do you wanna drink, girls? It's on the house!"

Beca ordered a mix called 'The silent lake' which was blue, bubbly and tasted mostly like grapefruit. Chloe ordered one called 'Sunset' which was red and orange and tasted like strawberry. They were delicious. After a few minutes Chloe showed signs of being nervous as more and more people got in the place and walked to the bar to order drinks or sit and talk. Her beautiful blue eyes were gazing at a lonely table in the corner.

"Hey" Beca said, bringing her back to reality. "It's ok, Chlo. We are staying here and you will see nothing bad happens. I am with you, ok?" She said reassuringly and squeezed Chloe's hand with a smile.

"Well well well, what do we have here?" A man who was standing next to Beca buying a drink started talking to them. Soon his friend stood next to Chloe. "Two beautiful women holding hands in a bar, huh?" He reached out to touch Beca's hair but she slapped his hand away.

"Wooo relax lady, we don't want to harm you" The other man said. "We just want to talk. You two are so pretty, you know. And seems you left your boyfriends at home s-"

"We're gay" Beca interrupted. She was feeling Chloe's hand wrapping tighter around hers. A quick glance at the redhead told her she was making a big effort to stay calm. This wasn't good.

"No way!" Said the first man. "You are way too perfect to be gay!" He looked for his friend's approval.

"Absolutely, you just made that up because we are too good looking and you think you have no chance with us"

"You're right Paul, as always" Replied his friend smirking.

"Get a room" Beca snapped. Then she stood up and guided Chloe by the hand to the toilet.

Once there Beca made sure Chloe was breathing alright. She looked a bit pale but with a few exercises to relax her heart rate went back to normal. They had their drinks too fast because of those guys so they were starting to make the first effects. Chloe started giggling.

"What?" Beca asked, smiling at the adorable ginger and barely controlling her urge to step closer.

"You told them we are gay" Chloe said, still giggling and covering her face with her hand.

"Yeah I did. They looked like they were never leaving us alone if-"

"But you said it as if we were a couple" Chloe stopped giggling and just smiled sweetly. Beca paralized for a second and swallowed.

"I um... well I didn't think about that..." She stuttered running her hand through her hair.

"It was brilliant! Let's keep playing it out" Chloe exclaimed. She seemed truly happy and Beca managed to show an awkward smirk before being dragged by her to the bar again.

Hours and drinks passed by. The girls lost sight of the guys a long time ago, they didn't matter anymore. Chloe and Beca were dancing, surrounded by people, and the redhead didn't seem to care about that either. Her eyes were fixed in Beca, that was all that mattered. Seems Chloe's drink had some more alcohol than Beca's, or the redhead was a bit softer. Anyway Beca was blurrier than Chloe was, so the brunette decided to call it a night. She suddenly remembered her car was outside but now she couldn't drive so Sasha would keep the car safe in the parking lot until the next morning.

The taxi left Chloe and Beca at the apartment. Beca's apartment. Chloe had never seen it before and it was weird for her to be somewhere else. Luckily alcohol seemed to be helping, as she walked to the kitchen and said "Let's bake cookies!"

Beca sent a quick text to Aubrey letting her know they were safe at her place, and then she walked in the kitchen too.

"Cookies? Right now?" She said, confused and amused.

"Totes! Aubrey told me how to do it. Do you know how to bake cookies?" Chloe asked leaning against the counter.

"Well I only follow the instructions from the cookie mix box" Beca answered shrugging. Chloe laughed loudly and somehow she saw the apples.

"Apples! Do you like apple pie?" The redhead asked suddenly.

"Yes I like it. It's actually the first thing I learnt in German, only because I was hungry in class... apfelkuchen" Beca said. Her expression was serious but when she saw Chloe's face she burst out laughing. Chloe's eyes were showing concentration as her lips were trying to move and imitate the German word Beca just said. The laugh brought the redhead back to reality again and she smiled happily.

"Alright! Screw cookies, let's make apple pie! That's my specialty, you're gonna LOVE me after it" Chloe said clapping her hands and walking towards the apples.

If she only knew how much Beca already loves her.

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