Tribute Reservations

387 8 102

Reservations open on October 14th, 6 PM (or so) PDT. You are allowed two tributes maximum, but they have to be either bxb or bxg.


Female One: Victorie Nox (@CloveMcLean)

Female Two: Kassandra Charvi (@WhovianHorseLover)

Female Three: Alina Wynterose (@AthenaW_21)

Male One: Scot (@SuperJamHand)

Male Two: Eddyn Thorn (@lostwithmyfriends)

Male Three: Choas (@FreedomAuthorGames) 


Female One: Nikita (@SuperJamHand)

Female Two: Alyssa Dust (@TheShineOfTheMoon)

Female Three: 

Male One: Tibius Von Celehight (@WrightStiles)

Male Two: Alck Cortal (@ShayTree)

Male Three: 


Female One: Ruth Valli (@The_Real_Alix)

Female Two: Reserved for @Frostlapse

Female Three: Avery Kaylah (@DisfiguredStars)

Male One: Agustin Saharra (@TheRandomBookLion)

Male Two: Garthe Ferrey (@lostwithmyfriends)

Male Three: 


Female One: Reserved @sballgirl27

Female Two: 

Female Three: 

Male One: Reserved @minijessie_

Male Two: 

Male Three: 

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