Berrano Female Two: Alyssa Dust

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Name: Alyssa Dust

Age: 15 (Fifteen)

Sex: Female

Country: Berrano

Physical Description: Alyssa stands at 5' 4'', shorter than most her age. She has dirty blonde hair that tumbles down her back in waves. Her eyes often reflect her mood; green when she's feeling jubilant, blue when she's feeling serene or calm, and gray when she's feeling dull or disheartened. Alyssa's skin is paler than most in her country, due to the fact she stayed inside when not hunting. An array of freckles adorn her cheeks and nose.

Background: Alyssa has always been a half. Her counterpart, Skyler, have always been and done everything, together. Their younger sister, Amanda (age five at the time) died of a heat stroke when Alyssa and Skyler were ten, leaving the family broken. Together, the family mended their wounds, and struggled through the next two years together. When Alyssa and Skyler were twelve, their older brother, Lee, died from dehydration, and their parents were devastated. Alyssa's mother ran away one night, and she was found in the depths of a pit days later. When the only three members left of the family heard about her suicide, they broke. Alyssa's aunt, her mother's unmarried sister, had been the one to rise their hopes, and help them live again. Ever since, the four have been living a normal life, haunted by the deaths of their past.

Personality: Alyssa is an intelligent girl who has seen lots of grief and death. Despite her dark past, she manages to have a kind heart, help others, and also hide her pain. She's a shy girl, and tends to stay away from others, the opposite of her twin. Unlike most in her country, she stays inside and reads books during her free time. The only times she goes outside is when she hunts for her family, or when her father teaches her something. Thus, her paler skin.

Weapon of Choice: Alyssa has used knives her entire life to kill wild boar, and other animals for food. While her skill level with knives is high, she also is fond of the crossbow, a valuable item of her father's.

Strengths/Weaknesses: Alyssa is very observant, and is good at reading people. Although she has great experience in the heat, she has never stepped foot in the cold, she doesn't know how to live in colder regions.

Token: A rubber bracelet her twin sister, Skyler, gave her. It's pastel blue with green stripes.

Reaped/Volunteered: Volunteered

Reaction/Reason: Alyssa volunteered for her twin sister, Skyler.

Alliances: Alyssa wants an ally, but only one that she trusts with her life.

Other: N/A

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