chapter 2:Feida Kingdom

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Two of them were just passing the forest they almost went for 1 day and 3 hours searching for a Feida kingdom.When the spoted river they decides to rest a little and feed their horse.They went beside the river and feed their horses then take out their lunch started to eat.But then they heard a noise coming out from the bushes.They decided to check it and get their sword ready when they pushed the bushes away.They saw a little girl with brown hair and golden headband and a boy with green hair.When they looked at eachother they-
"AAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!!!"well they yelled.While The Little girl laughing hard while holding her stomach.
After they calmed down.they just started at eachother then Kirino broke the silince.
"My name is Kirino Ranmaru.And this is Shindou Takuto my master.So who are you guys?"She asked.They looked at her and smiled.
"My name is Fei Rune.And it's my sister Kinako Rune"Fei said.
"So what are you guys doing here?"Kinako asked.Shindou loooked at Kirino.Kirino looked back.Shindou sighed.
"We are looking for Feida kingdom"Shindou answered.Then Kinako laughed.Fei sighed.
"But you guys are already The Feida we only gave pass the forest."fei said.Our two is really happy to hear that.After the rest they all headed towards the Feida.When they pass the forest they didn't belieave what they saw.Feida kingdom was-
Yuuko:i know i know i make kinako your sister so wht bunny boo~

Fei:what doe-


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