chapter 10:test part 3

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For Saru he was in room full of mirrors.When ever he look he saw his past.The things inside him.hate sorrow revenge and horror.And the voices doesnt help either.

"So still trying to forget them Saru? You know you can't cause until your death day they will haunt you"Voice said.Saru ignored him.Voice contined.

"Ah remember the time you almost killed little girl who didn't do anything wrong.Because of that everyone around you left you.Even your own parents"voice said.That hit the spot Saru shaked his head.

"n-no that was accident!"he said his voice cracked.Voice laughed.

"Oh really? Then do you know why they left you? Because they feared that you will kill them someday.You havee to accept it Saru you are a monster!"Voice sad.Saru shaked his head his whole body started to shake.

"N-no t-thats a l-lie!"Saru said shaking.Voice started to call him monster.Saru fall on his knees holding his head yelling he is not a monster thats when it hit him.The warm voice of someone someone dear to him.It was his mother's voice talking to him.

"You are not alone Saru.World is harsh and cruell.It might turn you into a monster.But as long as you had friends to rely on and believe you its okay.There is no such a thing as a monster or demon.They live inside us but as long as you follow good its okay."his mother said Saru started to think about all the people who helped him suported him loved him.Saru got on his legs.

"No I'm not a monster.I know all the words all the images pasts you told me showed me is all art of me.I maybe hate people who left me.But it is all in the past.And now i wont scared of my past again.I have people to protect.The people who is dear to me.I maybe cant forgive that people but i can accept them as who they are!"Saru yelled thats when the world around him turned into all white.And in front of him There was an man with two faces. wearing white shogi holding white and black mask.He threws the mask towards the Saru.Saru caught it.

"Im your best friend,Im your worst enemy,Im Janus God of Doorways,Beginnings,Endings,Choises.Saryuu Even Congratilation for learned to accept"Janus said.Saru smiled at him.

"Thanks And one thing My worst enemy is I myself!"Saru said and Puts the mask on one side of his head.Saru's eyes got seperate color one black and other white.Much different from his own Blue one.Janus smiled and Saru drifted into sleep.

***with Midorikawa***

For Midorikawa she was in somehow the world full of books.There was pen and big paper in front of her.Every time questions related with books legends history she was writing the answers.She know she was tired then the last question comes out.

"What is the true wisdom?"voice asked.Midorikawa started to think her time was almost over.Midorikawa started to think what is true wisdom might be.Then it hit her she remembered how much she worked to reach this state.How hard she worked how many books she read how many time she explored searched something new.Midorikawa smiled instead of writing she took's a deep breath and yelled.

"The only true wisdom is in knowing that you know nothing she !"she said.Her time runs out and the world around her turned white.In front of her there was beautiful woman with golden blonde hair and electric blue eyes.She nodded at Midorikawa and dissapeard.Midorikawa's hair turned golden blonde and become long her eyes turned into blue.

***with Hiroto***

Hiroto was trying to find single star among the millions of stars.The clone beside him wasn't helping either.Clone started to speak.

"You think you can find it? There is no way you know~"his clone said.Hiroto ignored him and contined searching.Thats when Hiroto found the single star whose is alone away from others.Hiroto pointed at that one and yelled.

"Thats the one!"he yelled his clone dissapeard and A big purple dragon come flying towards him.He landed in front of Hiroto.

"Kira Hiroto Congratulation for learning how to do thing by your own way"Dragon said.Hiroto's hair turned purple his eyes turned into dark blue like dragons his hair spiked a little.After world around him dissapeard he drifted into sleep.

****outside of the rooms*

Kariya frowned again.

"Mou Kaise's 3 passed.Now Yuuko-san's four left.I think i should have some fun before this things over"he pouted.Kaise hits his head with paperfan but smiled.Now her only worry is how other 4 will do.Yuuko smiled she was standing beside the lake looking at the sky.

"I think i can finally see you again!~"she said and walked back to the house.Now what happen to the other four who is still havent come out.What will gonna happen? Who is the person Yuuko was talking about? read and find our.

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