chapter 7:History

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Kaise smiled at her reaction.
"No need to worry were not bad guys you know.Besides we are not the only one's who is hiding.You can come out now!"Kaise said and looked the tree beside them.Others looked at that direction too.Then white haired guy who looked lot like Tenma come out.
"Looks like i caugth!"He said smiling.Fei and Kinako's eyes widened.
"Saru! What are you doing here?"They asked.Saru bowed.
"Your highnesses.King Asurei sent me to guard you guys secretly.Unfortunaly i got caugth!"He said.Fei and Kinako looked at eachother then nodded.
"It's okay since you're here-"Fei said.
"You have to help us!"Kinako Finished.Saru nodded before he sent Kaise glance.Kaise glanced back and smiled.Kirino looked at 3 girls.
"Okay i ask you again who are you guys?"she asked.Three angels looked at eachother and nodded.Hoshi spoke
"We are the guardian angels of three world"she said.
"we are from paradise! Or Royal dimension"Kaise said.
"And we are your guardians.Your highness the queen galaxy Kirino Ranmaru of Harmony kingdom!"Yuuko finished.Kirino looked taken back she didn't know what to say.Then she felt hand on her rigth shoulder.When she turned around She saw Shindou smiling gently at her while her friends staring at them smiling.Kirino looked at the angels and nodded.
"Okay.So can you tell me more about what happened in my past?"she asked.Three angels nodded.
"Before that please come inside!"They said and entered the house

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