Chapter 34

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 So hey guys I'm back with the LAST chapter of The Smile! This chapter was going to come out wayyyy back and I totally forgot! SOOOOO enjoy the last chapter! 



"Why can't I do my makeup?" I whined to Sarah as she sat me down. "Yes I do have to! Don't worry you'll amazing!" She said looking through all my makeup products.

The tour had ended a while ago and it was now the day of a school dance which Austin had asked me to. That leads me to the position I'm in now.  Our relationship has never been stronger in my opinion. We have gone through so much crap with each other and it still hasn't broken us apart.

"Almost done." Sarah said sticking out a little piece of her tongue out ,"And done!"

 I stood up and looked at myself in the mirror. "Sarah, oh my gosh, it's beautiful I love it! Thank you." I whispered. "Oh it's nothing. Now we have to go change before the boys get here!" She said leaving the room with her dress. 

(A/N Dress is above ^ or to the side >)

I carefully pulled the dress over me and zipped it up the moment Sarah walked back in. Her dress was blue and shorter than mine, from the waist it poofed out. Her hair was in a updo while mine was let down. "I think we look good." I said and she agreed. 

"Ari and Sarah the boys are here!" My mom called down from the bottom of the stairs. We walked down carefully trying not to fall in our heels. 

I took a look at Austin and he took my breath away. He was in black dress pants, a black button up shirt which he rolled up the sleeves to his elbows, a white tie that matched my dress, and his hair was the messy kind which I loved.

Alex had black dress pants, a blue button up, and slick back hair. He was alright but nothing compared to Austin, no offence Alex.

"Ariana. You look gorgeous!" Austin said pulling me into a kiss. "You don't look too bad yourself." I smiled and he smiled back. "Okay picture time!" my mom said. 

After what seemed endless pictures, my mom finally let us leave. "Everyone ready?" Austin asked as we buckled our seat belts. 

We arrived at the dance and our school gym was amazingly decorated. The school committee cleans up nicely. "Wanna dance?" Austin asked and I nodded,"Of course!".

The night was filled it with laughter, love, and kisses. I just new that Austin was forever going to be part of my future. He was the sprinkles to my donuts, the stars to my night, the teeth to my smile. 

The smile that brought us together.  

The End


And that is the end of The Smile! Thanks to those who read it and gave it a chance even though we both know it is so bad! lol. I made this chapter small and simple so sorry about that but ... IM STARTING NEW BOOKS!  And they are not gonna be as bad ad this one! Yes I said books as in plural! But I don't know which one to start with. So once I finish a description for each one, I will post it up and then see which one I should continue! 

Thanks again for reading this not so great book, I am so serious like I cringed when I went back to read it XD. 

Love you and I'll see you guys next time! bye!


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