Chapter 11

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Ariana's POV





Oh my god stupid alarm

I stopped it a and looked at the time I had an hour what! why so early!

Oh yea we have to be to school early

I went into Sarah's room and saw her sleeping so sweetly but I must end that like the evil person I am!

"SARAH we're LATE" I yelled waving my hands in the air

"What OH LETS GO" she said and I started laughing

"What's so funny we have to go!" she said

"We h-have an h-hour!" I yelled

"Aw why did ya wake me up?" she said tiredly

"Whatever get ready" I said walking out

I looked into my closet and picked some of this like overalls thing but like shorts and I tee but you know

I got out of the shower and put light makeup on and put my hair into a bun cause I don't even want to deal with it right now

I got dressed and walked downstairs to see Sarah wearing skinny jeans and I tucked in t-shirt that said 'I don't care' and she left her hair down and she was eating

"I want some" and I served myself some lucky charms

"Hey were are you parents?" she asked

"Oh they left early in the morning but don't know your here" I said chuckling

"Okay let's go we have to meet the boys in five minutes at Alex's house!" she hurried

"Okay" was all I said

She put on red converse cause her shirt was red oh forgot to say hehe

I grabbed white flats ad we were out with our bags

////// skipping the walk\\\\\\

"Hey" Alex said hugging Sarah awwww

"Hi" I said to Austin and we Hugged this is awkward but he smelled good!

"Were is Robert and Zach and Tyler" I asked

"Oh they wanted to just leave with the bus later" he said

"Okay let's go" and we started to walk

::::::::::: AT SCHOOL :::::::::::

"Kay you have you books?" Alex asked before we walked in and Sarah nodded

We walked in and not a lot of people were in there well except of nerds or should I say geeks being more polite

"Okay come on" we walked in to the office

"Hello how may I help you my god Austin is that you!" She's a fan

"Yep can we talk to the principle?" Austin asked

"Of course let me check" she said knocking on his door

"Come in" someone yelled and we walked in there were two chairs so austin sat in one and Sarah in the other

"Well isn't it Austin!" the guy said

"Yes and I wondered if I could stay in the school for a couple of weeks?" he asked hoping he could

"I guess I can talk to your teachers about and what schedule would you like?" he said

"Um hers" he said pointing to me and my heart skipped a beat, he wanted my same schedule and that means he's gonna be with me all of the classes!

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