Chapter 26

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Ariana's POV

I woke up and got ready with baggy black pants and a white tank top and pink Adidas

I walked out of the bus shielding my eyes from the sun and walked to the building looking for Fifth Harmony's dressing room

I walked around looking for them but ended up on the stage

I saw Austin taking with someone and I waved at him until he saw me

"Hey what are you doing here?" he asked kissing me on the cheek

"Oh I'm looking for Fifth Harmony's room to talk to them about the song" I said smiling

"Woah you really finished the song for all of them to do the rap!" He said surprised

"Yea why, didn't think I could so it" I said

"No no! it just seems hard like a part for all of them!" he said and I smiled

"It was pretty easy since I just thought which part could fit with each of them" I said and he nodded

"Well go to go practice see ya soon babe oh and keep walking you'll find it" he said making me blush when he said 'babe'

"Okay bye" I said and kissed him

"Maybe we can play basket ball later with the crew!!" he yelled, I gave him a thumbs up running out

I stopped to a walk and finally found their room. I knocked on the door waiting until they opened the door

"Hey!" They all said

"I finished the song and your rap parts" I said handing them the papers

"Oh yea" they said looking it over

"This is perfect!" They said and we all laughed

"Okay I'm gonna give those to you and you can practice and we can practice another time" I said walking out hearing 'okay' or 'sure'.

I walked down to the stage finding Austin and the crew talking.

"HEY" Robert said

"Hey" I said walking to them

"So are we going to play basket ball?" I asked

"Yeah c'mon I found a court" Robert said leading us to the basketball court

We finally made it and started making teams

"I want to be a team captain!" Austin said jumping up and down

"Okay I'll be one then" I said

"What! no you have to be on my team!" he said pouting

"Why?" I asked

"Cause my team is the winners team" he said

"Oh really" I said

"Yep but it's on" he said smirking

"Alright go first" I said

"I choose Alex!" he said Alex walking over to him

"I pick ... Robert!" I said as he danced towards me

"Wait we need one more person!" Austin said looking around and luckily Shawn was walking down the hall eating a muffin

"SHAWN" I screamed and he looked at us and smiled walking over

"Hey what's up guys?" he asked

"Playing basketball, but we need another person" I said looking at him

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