Chapter 13

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Ariana's POV

Friday came around really quickly, but not like I was complaining

We were all going to Austin's house later

I was getting ready but just some sweatpants that were Austin's and a tee

I was my birthday soon but I didn't want to do anything but you know my birthday is tomorrow I hope nobody remembered

I left my house and started walking to Austin's house yea I have been there before but I'm pretty sure they are going to sell it

I walked it and saw his mom,Michelle, she is so sweet!

"Hey Michelle!" I waved

"Oh hi Hun everyone is upstairs in Austin's room!" she smiled

"Alright thanks" I walked up

"Hey guys" I said and they greeted me

"Guys we have to talk" Austin said

"Okay go on" Sarah said

"I have to go back to Miami for a tour" he said

"Oh when?" Robert asked

"Monday and fifth harmony, Shawn Mendes are coming but I need one more act" he said

"OMG Shawn Mendes! no way he's soooo cute!!!" Sarah fangirled

"Hey!" Alex said and Sarah giggled giving him a kiss on the cheek they are so cute!

"Okay but I get to bring all of you!" he said he cheered and we did the same but Tyler

"I can't go!" Tyler said

"Wait why not" Austin said

"IkissedRose"he said

"Are you KIDDING ME!" Robert yelled

"You know what she did to us Tyler" I gritted threw my teeth

"But she was lonely and I liked-" but Austin cut him off

"Just leave" he said

"But-"he begged "leave Tyler" Austin said again now pointing to the door

"Whatever I going to go to Roses house!" he said leaving

"I don't think I can go too" Sarah said

"Why don't tell us you cheated on me" Alex said rolling his eyes and Sarah gave him a dirty look

"No I just don't think that my parents would let me go now since that I already came here and I should get back to school" she sighed

"Then get homeschooled?" Robert said eating an apple that I don't even know he had

"Yea! and you too Ariana" Austin agreed and so did Alex and Zach

"I don't know we should wait a bit and talk about it" I said and Sarah agreed

"Okay fine by me" austin said nodding

"Okay can we change the subject this is really a lot to think about" I said

"Yea we have something way more important than this!!!" Sarah giggled

"Ooh yea I remember" Alex smiled

"Yes austin do you know" Zach asked him

"Of course how could I forget!" He laughed

"Am I the only one that doesn't know?" I asked and they giggled "uh okay?"

"Naw it's nothing actually" Sarah said

When they finished being weird we talked some more and finally talked about basketball

"What the Spurs are the best!" Austin said

"No way Miami heat is better!" me and Sarah yelled

It was Alex,Austin,Robert and Zach cheering for the Spurs against me ad Sarah for Miami heat

"You know what I don't even want to fight about this!" I said

"So we win!" Alex said

"Nope" I smiled


After a long day we all went to bed

I was sleeping amazing when I heard talking but I decide to go back to sleep

Sarah's POV

We woke up but Ariana because we were going to surprise her for her birthday

We already have been planing this for a while

"Okay here's the plan Sarah will come over here telling Ariana that she is going on a date with Alex but she will actually come here so we could go talk more about the party at like Starbucks or something" Austin said pointing at me and I nodded

"Okay then Sarah will go back home and take Ariana out to the mall and Sarah will give us her extra key so while they are gone me and Alex will decorate and invite her friends from school and ours while Robert and Zach go get her friends that are coming from Miami! Alright everyone got it or should I say it one more time!" he said looking at all of us

"No we got it, no lets get back to bed before Ariana knows we are missing!" Robert said and we all got upstairs to bed

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