Chapter 9

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Ariana's POV

Today was the day that I had to pick up Sarah and Alex took me with him to get someone else

I woke up and it was 10:00!

"Shit" I whispered and ran out of bed and got into the shower, I had to be at ready by 10:15

I got out and put I on some skinny jeans and a t-shirt with one direction on it

I ran to Alex's house and ran up to his room because I didn't care

"ALEX! WAKE UP!!!" I yelled

"Alright I'm up" he groaned

"Give me 5 minutes" he said getting up and I nodded

I grabbed his car keys and left outside and started the car

I would drive and I know how to but I'm only 15 but ya know my birthday is soon yay!

"Okay let's go" Alex said getting into the car and we were off

"Alex hurry we're gonna be late!" I said

"Calm down okay" he said annoyed

I started getting really hyper and jumpy

The car stopped and we were at the airport

"C'mon" Alex said and we got out and walked in

We took a seat and waited

"Hey were are the boys" I asked

"Oh they were sleeping didn't you see them" and I shook my head

I got really bored waiting even if the already were getting off the plane so I payed all my attention on my phone

"ALEX!!!!!"I heard a voice scream and Alex looked up and smiled so did I

And I saw Sarah!

"SARAH!!" I yelled and ran up to her hugging her

"Hey grande why are you hugging my girlfriend?" Alex asked

"You guys are dating OMG ALEX THIS IS MY BEST FRIEND YEEEEEEE!!!" I screamed and they bother laughed

We all walked to the car and Sarah got into the backseat

"So how ya like it here and how are the rest of the girls?" I asked

"Well it's really nice here and the girls are still getting better that your not there" she said nodding

"We're here!" Alex said

"Wait were are you staying" I said

"I was going to stay with Alex but if its okay with him I would go to your place?" she said

"Go to her place" he said agreeing and we squealed

Sarah's POV

They led me into his house ad all I heard was

"ALEX AND ARIANA ARE HERE!" a boy yelled

"HEY GUYS" Valentina yelled back running down into the basement were I guess they were

"C'mon" Alex said smiling at me and I smiled back and we walked down

"Woah Alex who's this" one boy said

"This is Sarah guys shes my girlfriend" he said

"Hi" I waved

"Okay Sarah this is Robert, Tyler,Zach and Austin" he said pointing to all of them

"Lets play ... JUST DANCE" Valentina yelled

"Yea why not?" Austin said and everyone groaned

"No I'm really tired so I want to just sit down and talk" Alex said

"Fine me and Austin will play just dance and you guys get to know Sarah" Valentina said

"I'm going to warn you Valentina never gets beat" I warned to Austin

"No way Austin is the king of just dance so god luck I'm betting on Austin" Alex said

"I'm betting on Valentina" I said

"Same" Robert agreed

"We are going to bet on Austin" Zach and Tyler said

"Then let the battle begin!" Austin said

They did moves like jagger and we kept track of the points

But I noticed that they kept looking at each other so I decided to chose the next song

"I wanna pick" I said and took the controller and chose a romantic song

"Really?" they groaned

"Yep" I said smirking

Austin's POV

Sarah chose the song and it was all lovey dicey yea I said that!

The song started and we danced but I felt a connection towards her

The way she smiles and how her hair is red and it seems to never get out of place she just perfect

But the way she danced and sings quietly to herself she sings amazing since I got signed they told I might go on tour

And if I do I would bring her on my tour!

The song ended and we smiled at each other

"Alright the winner is ....

Valentina !" Robert said

"YEEE told ya so" she said and giggled her cute giggle

Oh darn I'm falling for Ariana Grande and I hope she's there to save me


Sooo do ya like it I tried to make it long for you guys

Vote and follow me please!

Thanks byeeee

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