Chapter 17

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Ariana's POV

After the night of laughing and watching movies it was finally Sunday and we were getting ready to the mall

I was wearing black ripped skinny jeans with a white tank top and a vest, and my new shoes my hair was up in a bun with a black bow behind

Austin was wearing black basketball shorts and a white shirt with red supras and a Chicago bulls SnapBack

Alex,Robert and Zach wear wearing kinda the same thing

Sarah was in a white dress with blue polka dots and blue flats her hair was down with a white jacket

Candy had blue shorts with a white shirt that said 'I love candy' in rainbow colours and white converse and her blonde hair was in a ponytail

Renee had white skinny jeans and a pink flowy shirt with pink shoes but had hidden wedges in it and her hair was straightened

Jessica was wearing a white hello kitty shirt with peach shorts up to her knees and her wavy hair was down and had a pink bow and hello kitty converse

Vanessa had blue skinny jeans and a white half shirt with a blue bandana n her wavy hair which was down and combat boots

Laura was in baby blue dress and had a black leather jacket on with black flats and her hair was in low pigtails

Britney had a black skirt on and a pink half shirt on with a vest and combat boots with her hair down that went a little above her chest

"Okay you all look great can we go now" Alex said

"Yep" and we left to the mall!

(((((((((((( AT THE MALL))))))))))

When we got to the mall we practically made Robert and Laura go to together and ditch us and did the same with Zach and Jessica

So it was only Austin,Alex,Vanessa,ReneeCandy,Britney,Sarah and moi!

"Ooh girls lets show the boys how fun we are!" I said

"Let's!" Sarah said and we nodded

"Let go to the supermarket!" Vanessa said and we were off

"Okay I'm going first!" I said and grabbed some bird seeds bag and I went to the cashier who looked around my age

"Excuse me?" I asked

"Yea" he said

"If I plant the seed how long will it take for the bird to grow?" I asked pointing to the bag and the guys were trying really hard not to laugh since they weren't far

"That's not what it's for it's to feed the birds" he said

"What! but it says 'bird seed'! that is false labelling my friend!" I said trying my best to look sad

"Yea no" he said smirking

"Oh what is life!" I said walking away

"HAHAHAHAHA" was the only thing that was coming out of the boys mouth and the girls

"Okay my turn" Britney said grabbing bug spray and went to a different cashier that was around his 20's

"Helloooo" she said putting the bug spray on the counter

"Hey" he said winking since Britney looked older and she was really pretty

"I'm I was wondering what kind of bugs this can spray out cause I'm doing a school project" she said this was going to be good

"Uh yea I don't think that sprays out bugs baby" he said smiling at her

"This is really depressing. Know what will I do for my project?" she said looking down

"Well I could help when should I come over?!?" he said waiting

"Nope it's alright I'll be leaving now" she said walking away

"Can I have your number" he shouted

"No way creep! I'm only 16!" she said and kept walking

"Age doesn't matter!" he yelled

"OMG what a asshole!" Candy said

"I know but it was pretty funny!" Britney said

"Vanessa your turn wait there's a toy section here?" I said

"Yea that's why it's called a supermarket" Austin said

"Darn I thought it was because superman owned this place!" I said smirking and he laughed along with the others

"Ok I know what to do" Vanessa said

We watched her get a Dora toy from the shelf and put it in the middle of the aisle and made us move a little while she just stranded there pretending to look at the toys

"Now we wait" she whispered

Then a worker came I grab it and before she could Vanessa yelled

"SWIPER NO SWIPING!" And then she quickly ran away

"AHAHAHAHA"Was all you can hear

"Alright it's my turn" Candy said and she walked us to the clothes section for woman

She hid in a little rack with clothes crouching down and then when woman came she said

"OH PICK ME! PICK ME! ME ME ME!!!!" The woman screamed but then started laughing with us

"C'mon" Renee said and we followed her and she picked out a shirt but didn't show us what it said

"Alex can you come over here please" she said and he did then she turned the shirt around and it said

'I'm stupid' and a arrow pointing to Alex we all were laughing and Alex looked at us weirdly when we looked at the shirt he pouted but Sarah hugged him and he kissed her cheek

"Oh okay it Sarah's turn" Alex said

"Okay I have one" she said

"Lets go" and we followed her to the kitchen aisle and she grabbed a pot then she made us go to the food aisle

She walked up to a teenage boy and asked

"Hey ya want a little pot?" she whispered and he nodded

"Really" she said

"Yea" he said in a deep voice

"Okay here" she said handing the little pot she grabbed to him

He rolled his eyes and walked away

"DRUGGIEEE!" she yelled getting people's attention

"Fuck you" he said turning around and Sarah hold up her middle finger so he turned back

"Lets go babe that was funny!" Alex said kissing her

"Woah no PDA PLEASE!" Vanessa said covering Candy's who was saying 'OH my innocent eyes!'

We all left to the mall and went to find the rest of our besties


Austin's POV

When we got home I said

"Uh guys I should probably get going the guys too"

"What why?" Ariana asked

"I have to leave tomorrow to Miami,so does Sarah and your friends" I said

"Ooh and us" Robert joined and everybody nodded

"Oh yea so I'm a be lonely" she said

"I can stay" Alex said "I can just leave sooner"

"Yea that's alright for 2 weeks cause then I go on tour" I said

"Yea that nice I guess" Ariana said

"Well what time do y'all all leave?" Alex said

"Noon" Sarah said

"Okay see ya there" Ariana said

"Bye" we said and me and the boys made our why to my house which was only a few houses down

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