Chapter 22

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Ariana's POV

Last night when I was with Austin making music I was thinking about making a song and I got the chorus

' One less problem without you

One less problem without you

One less problem without you

One less

One less prob'

Then you do it again, I decide to get a girl from fifth harmony to do the rap part

Right now we had a few hours until the show and Austin and Robert learned the parts in my songs

So Austin wanted to go to this fair to hang out and we all were getting ready to go

It was got today so u put on black shorts with a white half cropped tank top and a black beanie with white flats

"Everybody ready cause were leaving!" Austin yelled so I came out of the washroom and sat down we were all waiting for Alex

When he finally was ready we left to the fair walking, it wasn't to far

"Oh no I forgot my money" I said

"It's alright I will pay it for you" he said and I nodded

We all payed, well Austin for me, and walked in

"Ooh we should go on that one!" I said pointing to one that goes high and hopes backwards too. I really like Rollorcoasters they are so fun!

"I don't know it looks pretty high?" Austin said shaking his head

"Please I really want to!!" I begged

"Fine lets go" he said and we all got in the line

When the ride started Austin was freaking out and I was giggling the whole time

When it finished we all were a bit dizzy

"Me Alex and Robert are going to the arcade see you in a bit" Zach said leaving me and Austin alone

"Uh why don't we go to the booths" I said and he nodded

We got to one booth and we had to try to squirt water into a little hole

I won and I let Austin pick and he got his huge teddy bear

Then we went to another booth and we had to knock down some cans that were stacked or whatever

Austin won and I picked a big banana, you know the Jamaican ones

"Hey Alex texted me and told us to meet them in the arcade" Austin said

"Okay let's go" I said

We passed a ride and I told Austin I wanted to go on it, you sit in a booth thing and the ride spins but then you start spinning too!

"Okay let's go they can wait" he said

Austin's POV

We were getting in the seats and it started to spin

Ariana and I started laughing and here laugh was music to my ears I loved it, I lived for it.

The ride stopped and we got off walking all wobbly

We finally made it to the arcade and the boys were playing air hockey

"Lets play that game" I said dragging Ari to the basket ball game thing

"Okay" she said and I bought some tokens and put them in

The score was 10-9 with me winning the time was going to end soon and it was now 10-10 Ariana quickly made he last shot making it 10-11 and the time ending

"Darn!" I whispered and she laughed

"Come on let's play air hockey" she said

I ended up winning that game and she pouted

"No fair I wasn't looking for half the time you made points" she said

"Too bad" I laughed

"Oh hey guys didn't know you were here" a voice said and we turned around it was Camilla

"Hey" we said

"Oh I was wondering if you

wanted to do a rap part in my song?" Ari asked hoping she would say yes

"I don't know cause I'm in a group so I don't know if I should sing solo with you or not" she said

"Well maybe I can give you all a part in the rap?" She said

"Okay I can tell them about it" Camilla said and Ariana nodded

"Well I want to take Ari to a ride so I will see you later" I said taking Ariana's hand in mine and walked her to the ride I wanted to go on

I blind folded her in my hoodie I had so she wouldn't see

We got in the ride it was a love boat one

" You can take it off now" I said helping her

" Okay so I wanted to tell you something" I said fiddling with my fingers

"Shoot" she said

"I ... um" I said not sure if I wanted to say it

"You can tell me everything Austin you my best friend" she said putting her hand on my shoulder

I wasn't going to lie, it hurt when she said 'best friend'

So I had to say it

"The thing I that I don't want to be your best friend" I said

"You don't?" her voice cracking and tears brimmed in her eyes ready to fall

"No I don't want to be known as your friend" u said shaking my head

"W-why not?" she said a tear rolling down her cheek

"Cause it kills me" I said

"But ..." She said crying

"I want to be known as your boyfriend and I want to hold you in my arms knowing your mine and only mine I hate it when your talk to other boys except the crew and I want to be the one who makes you happy on your worst days and the one that showers you with complements everyday so so ... Ariana grande will you be my girlfriend" I said

She wiped away her tears and

"Of course"

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