Chapter 24

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Ariana's POV

"Okay we're here" Austin said turning of the car

We walked inside and it was pretty big

"So were do you want to go first?" Austin said looking around

"There" I pointed to foot locker

"What why?" he asked

"Cause I wanted to get you a pair of shoes" I shrugged dragging him to the store

"No! I won't let you" he said stopping me

"Fine then I want to get some shoes" I said thinking about what kind of shoes I wanted

"Ooh I know what shoes I want but they don't sell them here c'mon" I said

After looking everywhere for the shoes I wanted I finally found them

They were the shoes with hidden wedges and they were all black and perfect!

Then Austin dragged me to stores buying us clothes that matched like 'he's mine' kinda things and stuff

"Wow" Austin mumbled to himself

"What?" I said facing him

"I can't believe I haven't been noticed by Mahomies" he said clearly shocked

"Why you want to get mobbed by them?" I asked confused

"No no it just surprised me that I haven't been seen and it's really nice actually not being surrounded with a bunch of girls trying to grab me" he said

"So it happens a lot" I said and he nodded

"Lets get some Starbucks" he said and I agreed

I got a cotton candy frap while Austin got a iced coffee

We were walking when I bumped into someone

"Sorry!" we both said

I looked up and saw Rose standing there with Tyler who had his hands wrapped around her waist both of them drinking Starbucks

"What are you guys doing here" I gritted through my teeth

"Oh well I'm here with my boyfriend on a vacation" she smiled

"Okay well we shall be leaving now" Austin said

"No wait why don't you come to this party that's going to happen tomorrow night,here's the address!" Rose said handing me a piece a paper

"Okay well hope to see you then, bye bae's!" she said and we went are separate ways when she called back

"Wait Ariana" she called

"Yea?" I asked and she walked over to me

"Ya like Starbucks?" she asked as I slowly nodded

"Well have mine I don't want no more" she said and smirked as she poured all of her coffee on me

I stood there shock and watched as she walked away with Tyler

"I thought we were friends Tyler" Austin yelled

"Yea were!" he said and they continued walking

I started to cry softly and Austin came to my side

"Hey it's alright come on" he said dragging me to the family washroom

"Here wash your face and hair" he said leading me to the sink, I did as I was told and he helped me scrub as much coffee as I could out of my hair

"Okay change into this" he said handing me a shirt with some sweatpants "I will be outside open the door when your done" and he left

I slowly put on the clothes tears threatening to pour out

I opened the door and Austin rushed in hugging me close and then I let the tears spill

"I'm sorry I didn't know she was here!" he said

"It's alright it's not your fault" I cried how could someone be so cruel even in public!

"Hey don't cry it alright lets go home now" he cooed an I nodded he wiped my tears and grabbed my hand walking me out of the bathroom

I carefully started to become more normal or like my strong self and I stopped crying

We saw Rose and Tyler again but Austin quickly lead me outside and into the car

I rested my head against the seat and closed my eyes trying to calm down

"Here" Austin said getting out of the car and making his way to my door opening it for me

"Thanks for everything" I said forcing a smile

"It's fine lets go" he said

We got inside the tour bus and the tree boys were playing this basketball game

"Hey" they said

"Hey" me and Austin said

I sat down in a chair against this wall and curled up into a ball

I felt Austin sit beside me and put a blanket on top of me

I turned my head to see him staring at me

He smiled and I gave him a closed smile showing no teeth

He grabbed my hand under he blanket and rubbed circles on my hand with his thumb

"So what happened?" Alex asked

"Oh we saw Rose at the mall with Tyler and she poured her coffee all over Ari and she invited us to a party" Austin said

"What a little b*tch" Zach said

"Yea but are you guys going to go to the party" Robert said

"I don't know it's tomorrow" Austin said

"We should go maybe have a chance to beat the crap out of them if they do something to piss one of us off" I said

"So your going to go" Austin said and I nodded

"Then I'm going" he said

"I will go" Zach said and Robert joined

"I can't I promised Sarah we would FaceTime" Alex said looking down

"It's okay you haven't seen her" I said and he nodded

"Okay it's settled then lets get some sleep shall we" Austin said and everyone got ready to go to bed

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