Chapter 4

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Ariana POV

I already made friends and I barely knew them but we all hanged out together and their really funny

I finished school and its Friday, YUSSS! and today's the sleep over so I just have to ask my parents

I went downstairs and saw my parents watching T.V together and laughing awwww! ok I got this

"Hey mom, dad" I said

"What do you need?" my mom said

"Oh I was wondering if I could go to a sleep over tonight" I asked

"Um sure why not" my dad said yes!

"Ok thanks I'm leaving like now" I said this is to awkward

"Alright do you want me to drive?" my mom said well yea I don't want to go with Ty so I just nodded

"Ok let's go I already packed my things" I said grabbing my bag and rushed out the door

!Skipping the awkward car ride¡

"Bye hunny" my mom said

"Bye mom" I said back and she drove off

I love Alex's house it's so comfy and there's a cabinet filled with junk food and I found his 'secret' stash of skittles!

I knocked on the door and waited so I just rung the bell

"Hey Ari" Alex said smiling then walked up to his room

"Hey" I said following him up the stairs

"YOU CHEATED" Robert yelled

"DID NOT!" Tyler yelled back "HOW DO YOU CHEAT IN MARIO CART" he said then

"I don't know but you cheated" Robert said pouting

"Whatever" Tyler said

"Hey remember the brother code austin said we can't fight" Alex said who's austin?

"Well Austin's not here" Robert said

"So" Alex said back so Robert stopped talking

"Lets just watch a movie" I said

"Alright Alex lets see if you learned go pick out a movie" to Robert said

"But you guys never liked my movies!" he wined but Robert made him

"Hey who's austin anyways" I asked Robert

"Oh you know Austin Mahone he sings on YouTube he left to Miami cause he got discovered so your kinda hanging out with famous kids " Robert said looking said

"Yea we all miss Austin" Tyler said joining in

"Ok here a grabbed chick flicks ad stuff" Alex said handing the movies

"Don't you have like die hard or action movies these movies are just junk" I said pointing to the movies he picked out

"Wow you didn't learn" Robert said disappointed and I just laughed so Alex went back to the movie rack

I looked around a saw Alex's phone all alone, maybe I could text austin?

So grabbed his phone and looked threw his contacts and saw his name 'Austin'

Me (well on Alex's phone)- hi it's Alex's friend the guys really miss you so maybe you could come? thanks bye

He replied so fast I was like whaaa!

Austin- ok I be there as soon as possible

I put the phone back before Alex came back and we watched the movie.

When the movie finished we all went up to Alex's bed and just talked

Robert, Tyler, and zach we're already sleeping and Alex was on the verge but I was talking to him but then we eventually went to bed

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