Chapter 16

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Ariana's POV

After we cleaned we sat in the living room to open the gifts my friends gave me

"Olay! open mine first!" Sarah said shoving her gift in my face

"Alright! alright" I laughed

It was a necklace that had half a heart on it with 'sisters4ever' written on it

"I have the other one" she said

"Awww it's so cute!" I smiled hugging her

"Ooh us next" my friends said

I opened the large present and found a collage of pictures with them and me and Sarah! it was soo great of them!

"I love it!" I said and hugged each of them and looked at the pictures again and they even put one when we went to the fair and ate ice cream so we all crossed our eyes and sticked out our tongues

"Next is me! Right me me me!!!" Robert screamed

I opened a box to find a penny board it had black wheels and a red top my favourite colour!

"Thanks I always wanted one!!" I looked at it once more smiling

"No prob" he said

"It's my turn" Zach said

He handed me a little receipt?

It has a word on it that caught my eye it said


"OMG you got me a PIANO?!?!?" I was jumping like crazy

I always knew how to play a piano but I never got one!

"Yea I only brought the receipt so I didn't have to bring the whole thing" he said smiling

"Thanks sooo much" I said giving him a hug

"My turn!" Alex said

He handed my a box like a plain one I opened it and saw the new Jordan's I wanted

"OMG thanks Alex" I said

"Yea they are like mine" he said smirking

"TWINS!" we yelled at the same time and laughed

"Uh it's um my turn?" Austin said

"Okay pass it on" I said waiting and he passed me a small little box

I opened it and saw a locket!

"Open it" he said motioning me to so I did and there was a picture of me and one of me and him!

"Oh my GOSH! I love it it is soo sweet" I said kissing his cheek

I put it on and it looked wonderful

"Wait does my parents know about the party?" I worried oh no they are going to kill me cause they left to dinner or something they invited me for my birth day but I let them go without me since they don't get alone time

"Yea before they left we told them and they said it was fine and Ty went to a friends for the night" Sarah said

"Oh ok phew I almost died there!" I said laughing and they joined

"Oh I almost forgot your parents got you something" Sarah said getting up and grabbing a box

I opened it and " They got me a IPHONE 5s!" I always asked for it

"There's more I think" Sarah said pointing to the box

I saw a 50 dollar bill in it!

"YAYAYAYAYA MONEY!!" I screamed I was in desperate need of money

"Haha calm down you only got another $150 and that means you have $200" Jessica said

Then my phone rang but I was to lazy to answer it then I got the message

'Hey Hun, I wanted to say that me and your father will be going to stay in a hotel until Sunday night so you have the whole Sunday with your friends I left $50 under you mattress so go shopping or something have fun! love you bye!'

"OMG you know what that means!" Laura yelled and all of us girls looked at each other

"SHOPPING!!" We yelled at the same time and all laughed

"Do we have to?!?" Alex whined

"Yea we can't leave you guys behind" I said

"No you can please!" Robert said

"C'mon Robert" Laura begged

"Fine I'm going" he said and Laura hugged him and he melted

"Yea lets go" Jessica said

"Then I'm going" Zach said

"I'm only going for Sarah and you guys are fun to hang out!" Alex said

"Oh you don't even know what we do at the mall" Britney said and we all smiled evilly

"Please Austin I'd but you something!" I said

"Alright I'm going but DONT buy me something" he said I nodded


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Thanks and byeeee!

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