Chapter 25

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Ariana's POV

I was getting ready to go to the party and Austin was still at rehearsals

I put on black ripped skinny jeans with a white shirt and a black leather jacket with my new shoes

I put my hair in a bun and then Austin came in

"Hey you ready" he asked

"Yes now you get ready" I said shooing him away

He came out wearing black jeans with a white shirt and black leather jacket like me

"Now everybody will know that your mine" he said giving me a hug

"We're leaving c'mon" Austin yelled

"We comin hold your horse's" Zach said coming out with Robert

"Bye alex, okay let's go" I said

We got into the car and I started to think about the things that could happen

What if we get into a fight? or if this is a setup!?! What happens if Austin gets hurt! will he be fine to sing!?!

"We're here" Austin said taking me away from my thoughts

I was thinking to much that I didn't notice that we had to walk a bit to get to the house and you could hear the music from here

We entered the house and the smell of alcohol hit me really strong

I saw people dancing and it was nasty dancing

"Hey lets go to the kitchen" I heard Zach yell

We followed him into what I guess was the kitchen and saw Tyler and Rose

"Hey guys you made it!" she said

"Yea we did" I said faking a smile

"Well have fun I'm gonna go dance bye!" She said giving Tyler a kiss and strutting out in her heels

"So how's it been guys" Tyler asked

"Oh it's been fine you?" I said

"Great me and Rose have a great relationship going" he said

"That's nice ... so no cheating" Austin asked

" well not that I know of" he said and we nodded "I should go find her now bye guys" and he walked into the crowd

"He hasn't changed" Robert said

"Yea it's kinda sad seeing him with her when he can be with someone much better" I said and they agreed

"Lets dance" Zach said leaving

"You guy coming?" Robert said me and Austin shook our heads and he left

Zach's POV

I left to the dance floor and saw Robert behind me

We were dancing when I heard laughing and then things like



And it all lead to two voices

Rose and Tyler

I quickly made my way to the kitchen with Robert to find Austin and Ariana but didn't see them

"Oh no" I said

"I know were are they!" Robert said

We heard screaming and yelling and we ran into the leaving room to find Austin and Tyler fighting and Ariana begging them to stop

"Zach take Ari to the bathroom!" Austin yelled

I did as I was told and grabbed Ariana and took her into the washroom with me

"Zach I'm scared!" she said

"It will be fine" I said

Around ten minutes later the door opened

Ariana's POV

The door opened and Austin came in giving me a smile, the one that I loved and won me over

He was bruised all over "are you okay!" I asked looking over them

"Yea I'm fine" he said

I looked more and saw a red scratch that was bleeding

"Who did this" I said pointing to it

"Rose she helped Tyler" he said

Anger boiled in my body "she touched YOU!" I yelled and he nodded

"Well she's gonna regret it" I said walking out of the washroom

"Oh and you guys go to the bus with Robert I will walk there it's not to far" I said

I found Rose sitting on some random guys lap giggling

"Hey Rose" I said smiling

"Oh hey Ariana ya haven fun" she laughed

"So you touched Austin and gave him a big scratch right?" I asked

"Yea we were just playing around" she giggled

"But the fun is just starting" I scoffed

"Oh really" she said

"Yea b*tch" I smirked

She threw the first punch at me and hit me right in the cheek

I groaned but punched her back in the jaw

"That's all you got, wow no wonder Austin has to protect you" she smiled

I got mad and I jumped on top of her punching her, then I punched her straight in the nose knocking her out

"Maybe you should get another nose job ,but Rose it isn't going to fix your nastiness" I said getting up

"FRICK YOU ROSE FRICK YOU" I said putting up the middle finger and walking out

I started walking to the tour bus, this is going to take a while


I finally made it and opened the door to see the boys trying to calm down Austin

"Hey guys" I said sitting down

"Oh my gosh I was so worried" Austin said sitting beside me

"Yea and what happened" Robert said looking at me

I looked down to see my white shirt with blood stains

"Well Rose hurt Austin so I broke her nose" I said shrugging

"Woah okay a lot happened then" Alex said

"Yea it was crazy" Austin said

Then Michele walked in

"Oh my what happened honey" she said waking over to me and Austin

"We got into a fight with Tyler and Rose" Austin said

"And Ariana broke her nose!" Zach said

"Just because Rose hurt Austin" Robert said

"Well I never really liked that girl" she said smiling "your a strong girl" and I nodded

"I've been told" I said laughing

"Well were are leaving Miami tomorrow morning go to bed bye" she said walking out

"Your heard the woman to bed" I said


Hey have you guys noticed that this & thing looks like a man dragging his but on the floor!?!

Anyway comment and vote please!!!!

Byeeeeee love ya guys!

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