Chapter 21

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Ariana's POV

"Ari wake up" I heard and Alex was shaking me

"I'm up I'm up!"I said and we got of the plane

"Okay let's get a cab and go to the hotel" Alex said and after at least 15 minutes of finding a can we did

After a bit Alex got a text. it was Austin.

'Hey are you here yet? and should I pick you up?did Ariana come with you!?!I need an act and I thought she could be one!?!' Aww he was soo cute!

So Alex replied ...

'No Ariana did not come thank you for asking and yes I landed but I'm already in the cab so no need to pick me up I will text you when I get to the hotel' well actually I told him what to type cause he was to nervous

We got to the hotel and I claimed my room key and while I was about to open my door I heard

"Guys I will be right back Alex is in the lobby. No! I will not bring you food get your own!" it was Austin! I pushed my door open and ran inside shutting it close

Then I got a text from Alex saying that they changed it and the meet and greet was first

I texted back saying I made it and okay


It was time for me to get ready so I picked my lazy butt from the couch and walked in to the room

I decide to wear my new red skinny jeans and my Austin Mahone shirt tucked inside with white converse and a red SnapBack I got before that I customized and put the word Mahomie

On it in black And curled my hair with light make up on just like Austin likes it

'Hey you have to leave now me and the boys are at the stage place and the meet and greet is going to start now! try to be the last person in the line and don't let him know its you!' Alex texted me

I told him okay and I got it

I quickly grabbed my key and shut the door and made my way down I got a cab and told him the address


When I finally got there it was packed with girls and boy mahomie's

I was the very last person in line so I would get to see him longer

Then some girls screamed

'LOOK THEY ARE GOING TO THE WASHROOM!' and pointed to right on my left

They were getting in the cop car it was Austin, Alex and Robert

When they were coming back Alex whispered something to Austin and pointed to me since Alex knew it was me then Austin looked over to me but I looked down a bit and Austin nodded

I wonder what they were talking about?

I started to make friends with some girls and we all laughed at the other girls that were pulling their shirts down to show cleavage

I was finally my friends turn and then it was my turn I was the last girl

"Hi can you sign this?" I asked placing my SnapBack on the table he signed it with put looking up at me

"That's cute" he mumbled

"Is everything alright Austin?" I asked he seemed a little off

"Uh everything's fine thanks for asking" he said I put my hat on and looked at Alex and the guys Alex smiled and he looked back so I walked away no wanting to be seen and took a seat

The SmileМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя