Chapter 1: Starting Over

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I watched as the police car lights flooded through my house. Hot tears streamed down my face as I held the limp body in my arms. One tear dropped landing on the lifeless body. The front door opened.

"Hello?" Someone asked. Once they saw me sprawled out on the floor of the living room they raced in. A stretcher soon followed and picked the body from my arms leaving me on the floor with only the red coloring on my hands.

A hour laterI was sitting in the waiting room waiting for the news.

"Miss Wellington." I looked up from the chair I was sitting in and I looked at the nurse.

"Yes." Her face cringed and she bit her lip before speaking.

"I'm sorry." The words echoed in my head.My legs gave out underneath me as the words rolled off of the nurse's tongue. The tears flooded back to the surface and ran down my face leaving black streaks down my cheeks.

"Why?" I whispered to myself looking for an answer. Any answer.


I watched the people in black walk down the grass from the cemetery. I read the tombstone in front of me and wiped the only tear left in my eyes. There on the tombstone read the words I never wanted to see:

Debra Elizabeth Jane Wellington.

Loving Daughter and Mother.

12/09/64 - 07/13/11

There underneath the piles of roses laid a casket. Inside that casket was my mother. A single mother who raised only one child. Her beloved daughter until her daughter's17th birthday. I dropped my black rose on the pile. The sky grew gray and a roll of thunder bellowed through-out thecemetary. I turned around wiping the black marks underneath my eyes from the tears that had fallen. I had none left by this time. I was drained dry. All night and day had my cheeks been red and wet.

I let my head stay still looking down at the grass as I walked. The blades of grass crunched underneath my scandals. I pulled my black dress down a little so it was over my knees and I hugged my cardigan around my body keeping me warm as the wind blew. Another roll of thunder rumbled and then a drizzle set foot. The rain sprinkled over the grass and people rushed to get into their cars.

Why rush?

I asked myself.

There's nothing to worry about.

I had no one to stay with other than my mother. I was an only child raised by a single parent. I had never met my father and only known my mother. No relatives near to take care of me. The wind grunted and blew hard whipping my hair into my face. The rain had turned from a drizzle to a downpour. I still was walking at the same pace. The cars were mostly gone for about two including my poor silver 2003 BMW.

"Miss Wellington." I turned to the voice. A lady around 30 holding an umbrella came over to me. Her black dress was being held up by the other hand so it wasn't in the grass as she made her way over to me.

"Yes?" I asked not knowing her.

"I'm Maria DeBrois from the social services."

This was it.

I was being put in foster care.

"Nice to meet you." I said sticking out a cold hand. She shook it kindly.

"I wanted to know if you would talk with me?" I nodded having no other choice. "Alright, well can you come by my office on Monday at 6?" She asked handing me her card.

"I'll be there." I said to her. She smiled and with that the little umbrella covering the both of us walked away and the cold rain began once again to poke at my body like little needles. I didn't get in my car until I saw the black sedan drive off into the day. The rain beated against my BMW. I got in and my dress squished against the seats as I squeezed the water from my hair. I closed my door and started the engine. The engine roared to life echoing a loud roll of thunder. As I drove off a beam of lightning crashed against the ground.

This was only the first of many long days.


"I understand you're an only child Miss Wellington." I nodded.

"Please Maria call me Anya." Maria nodded and sat down in the chair at her desk. She set down a folder.

"Alright then Anya. Are there any relatives around to take care of you?" She asked. I shook my head. "I see." She pulled out a pair of glasses and then she rested them on her face. She opened the folder and at once I noticed pictures of my mother's body. I cringed and Maria must've noticed for she closed the folder back up. "Anya I know you probably don't want to be here right now, but I have some people from the police here and I want you to talk with them." She paused then continued. "Talk about your mother." I only nodded and didn't answer her. "I know it must be hard, but please talk with them as I try to find an arrangement for you." Again I didn't respond. I only nodded.


"Miss Wellington-"

"Anya." I stated. The officer nodded.

"Miss Anya." I nodded for him to continue. "I want to help you."

"That's why you're here isn't it." He nodded. "Well then I have nothing to say. I don't know why it happened." My voice cracked by the end and I took a deep breath.

"We know that. We wanna help you figure it out."

"Well what if I don't want to find out. What if it's better not to know." I bit my lip holding back tears.

"Anya please. We know you wnat to figure out why your mother was shot. The only way you can find out is if you co-operate with us." I sighed and then nodded. "Alright so what happened that night?" He asked me.

"I walked into the house and it was fine." I told him.

"Nothing out of the ordinary?" I shook my head 'no'.

"It was fine. The kitchen lights were on so I figured my mom was in there. I heard her call to see if I was home and I called back saying that I was."

I walked through the front door. I noticed the kitchen lights on. I threw my bag on the bench by the door.

"Is that you Anya?" My mom called from the kitchen.

"Yeah it's me." I called back. I walked into the kitchen and smelled the roast cooking in the oven. "Smells yummy." I said sitting at the table. My mom shook her head.

"Wash your hands and then we can eat." I rolled my eyes at her then walked over to the sink. " Hold on we got some mail I wanted to give you." She untied her apron and rested it on the table. I watched her shadow as she went into the living room not bothering to turn on the lights for she was only going to be a minute.

"That's when I heard it." I said. "The crack and then glass shattering. I heard my mom's body thud against the ground."

"Did you see who shot her?" I shook my head fighting the tears. The past couple of days I had tried not to cry.

"No." I squeaked. "All I saw was a green van drive away." The officer wrote a few things down on his paper.

"Thank-you Anya. We'll try to get back to you soon." I nodded and got up out of the chair and walked to the door. Once the door was closed I was greeted by Maria.

"Anya." She said. I turned to face her. "I have a place for you to go."

"Where?" I asked.

"With your father."

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