Chapter one

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Love Again

Chapter 1

He left me.

He left me alone in this world.

How and why?

Why me?

Why I am always getting hurts? Why me? At age of 6, my dad left me and mom, and didn't even care to call us, and I was so close to him, and he don't even remember now that he even has any daughter. At age of 13, my best friend, lauren, started to hate me, because some bitches told her lies that I was trying to hook up with his boyfriend, and It wasn't even true and now alex left me, and he was a drug to me, without whom I can't even breath and now how I am breathing? What I should do? How I will live alone in this crulted world? How?

Yes, this question's answer is only one think and I can do it. For alex, I'll do it.. I'm coming alex, you will not leave me alone, we were meant to be together and we will die together no matter what.

I got off my bed and ran to my drawer and was searching for a razor don't know where the hell it is, I should do it before anyone come in my room. I was sobbing but my hands were shaking and I was sweating alot but I didn't matter me. I really needed to do it or else I'll regret it forever. I rushed to washroom and there was the razor lying on mirror shelf. I took it and stand up in front of my mirror and put the razor on left wrist and closed my eyes. I was about to cut when my room's door fluttered opened, and someone came and throw the razor from my hand and saw and It was niall who was standing there shocked and crying. He hugged me and sobbed and I even didn't moved.

"What the hell were you thinking? Why would you do that? Why?" He was crying and hugged me again.

"Because I loved him," I whispered and he pulled apart and looked at me.

"Al, why you are doing this, think about me, your mom and what about alex? Would he like it or he will appreciate it that you end your life?"

"Niall, I can't live without him." I said to him

"Al, you were living without him before when you even didn't met him." He says while he hold my hand.

"But now I met him, and I loved him, I just can't live without him. It's just so impossible." I said while removing my hand from his hands

"You have to and I promise I'll help you." He said while coming near to me.

"No niall, I can't. It's better for me to die."

I went to took the razor but niall hold my hand and pushed me up and hold my shoulders and stared at me.

"If you wanna kill me, do it now with razor, don't do this. Doesn't my life matters to you, my friendship. Are you living for alex and not for me? Ok, drop it just tell me, do you even considered me as your friend or not?" He said being pissed off.

"Niall, what are you saying, you are my best friend forever." I said,

"Best friends, Really allie? Really? Do you think I'll be happy to see you like this or you don't even care about me?" He says as he stormed out of room. I run after him

"I care about you niall, it's just I love him." I said as I hold him.

"Allie, please for GOD SAKE don't do it, please!" He pleaded 

I nodded and he smiled at me and hugged me. I smiled and hugged him. Niall started to walk away.

"Where are you going niall?" I ask him as he was wearing everything black.

"I'll be back" He said ignoring me.

"But where?" I ask him again,

"Um, to alex's funeral. I'll be back" He said, 

"I wanted to go." I said to him

"You should stay home al," He said

:"No, it's ok, I wanted to see him for last time." I said, I really wanted to see him, that what I can do.

"Are you sure, I mean is there any problem you can stay home."

"I'm 100% sure, I can do it."

"Okay, go get ready."

 How I'm even gonna see all that happen? How I'm gonna let him go? I went to my closet and took out black dress and took a shower and wore it and I put my hair wavy because he loves wavy hair and I don't want him to leave this world unhappily. Niall looked at me and gave me sad smile.

"Are you sure, you can do this?"

"Yes niall, I can do it."

"Okay then come on."

We were at funeral now and I just can't stop me from crying. I really tried not to cry but seeing him in that coufin I just can't stop. Niall hold my hand and I cried on his shoulder quietly.

Niall's POV

 We were at the funeral of alex, I really can't see my best friend too broken. She even tried to cut but thank god I came at right time otherwise she would have done the biggest mistake in life and now we are at funeral and emily couldn't stop her from crying.

"Allie, are you ok?" I asked her being concerned. She looked at me with her blue teary eyes.

"Yes, I'm ok." She said while sniffing. I nodded and she hold my arm.

The funeral was over and we were going home. As I parked the car she opened the door and ran in her room. I started to scream her name, but she just started to run. I went to her room and tried to open but it was locked. I started to knock on door but no response. I hope she is alright.

"Allie, please open the door?"

No response

"Allie, are you ok?" Still no response, All I can hear was her sniffing and crying.

"Allie, please just at least tell me are you alright?" I listened she stopped crying and came close to door.

"I'm ok niall, just leave me alone."

"Okay, if you need anything just tell me, I'm here ok."

After saying that words, I went to downstairs and go to kitchen and took out juice and drank it then went to living room and start watching a movie. In middle of movie, I dozed off. I woke up at the sound of telephone ring. I stood up and answered the phone.


"Hello, niall is this you?" It was a girl or woman, I know the voice then I remember she is allie's mother.

"Yes, alice it's me. How are you?"

"I'm fine niall. Where is allie? I've been calling her, she is not answering." She asked me being tensed.

"Um, I think so she must have been sleeping. I'll go and check her. Don't worry I'll take care of her."

"Thanks niall, I'll be home till night. My shift is going to be finish so I'll be home in few hours."

"Yeah sure bye."


She hang up and I look at the watch that was hanging on the wall, the time was 8:18pm. I got confused It's been 3 hours allie didn't came out of room so I went to her room and now the door was opened. I opened it and saw her sleeping. I went to her and sat next to her and saw her sleeping. She looks so beautiful, innocent and calmed. I removed the pieces of her hair that were on her face. I rubbed her face and said those words that I were dying to say her but I don't have courage to say it.

"I love you allie so much."

Love again (Niall Horan)Where stories live. Discover now