Chapter four

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Love Again

Chapter four

Allie's POV

I opened my eyes, and saw machines all over me, and everything was white and then my eyes met niall's. He rushed towards me.

"Allie are you ok? Does it hurts?" He said while shaking. I got confused,

"Hurt? What are you saying niall?" I ask him confusly.

I really didn't know what niall meant to say, and something bad had happened thats why I'm in hospital.

"Allie, I tried to call you, you didn't answer it, I went home and saw you were lying on floor with all blood on your hand, You cut yourself." He says while looking at me.

Oh my god, that's mean I'm alive, why he saved me, I wish I could have died. Tears again start to come  out of my eyes. I used to hate crying but now I think I'm getting used to it.

Niall placed his finger under my chin and lift it up, now I was facing him.

"Allie, why? I don't want to lose you. You are everything for me. I love you allie so much not as friend but more than friends." He said, 

I looked at him shocked. He did not just said that, why he would say it? He knew me forever, he knows I love alex and I couldn't think of anybody but him. My hand was in his hand, I looked at it, and I started to feel that It wasn't right. I removed my hand. He looked at me shocked.

"Allie what happen?" He says worriedly.

"Are you asking me niall what happen huh? Do you even know why I cut myself!" I literally shouted at him, why the hell he would think that..

"Yeah because of alex, but allie.."

"But, you know I love him niall, you were happy for me and now, when he is gone, you are taking advantage of me right?" I yelled at him again.

"No, no, no, I would never do that allie, I always loved you, when we were in kindergarden, I thought It was just friendship and when we came in middle school, I start to fall for you and I always loved you. I will never try to hurt you I promise." He placed his hand on my shoulder, I shurugged it away.

"You love me niall, then why you didn't tell me? You always show me that we are not more than friends why?" I ask him as tears started to come on my cheek.

"Because I didn't have guts to say it, and I wanted to ask you out in high school, but then you meet alex, and you started to date him, and I sacrifice my love for your happiness." He says, 

"Niall, you should have told me." I said, while wiping tears.

"I'm telling you right now allie, It doesn't matter." He says, 


"I know allie, it's hard on you, I can understand."

"No, niall, you can't understand what I'm going through, you could never."

"I can allie, why can't you just get over him.

"Niall, I want you to leave me alone for a while."

"But allie--""

"Leave NOW."

I told my best friend to leave me alone but honestly I need him, but he was getting on my nerves. I just can't believe that he told me he loved me. I always thought that we were best friends but now how could he think about me like this. I really love alex, and I can't think about anyone else.

Niall left the room and then my mom came in. She came to me and sit in front of me.

"So what happen? Why niall went home?"

"Because I said him to go."

"Why? I mean he was so scared about what happen, and now why you told him."

"Because I don't want him around mom, not in my house, and not in my life."

"But why?"

"I don't want to talk about it." I said, while frowning,


"Please mom." I cut her off

"Ok, so how are you feeling?" She asks me softly

"I'm fine, and feeling good." I smiled at her.

"Well. you will feel even good, I have a surprise for you." She smirks, I wonder what?

"Surprise, what surprise?" I ask her curiously

"There is someone who came to meet you, so are you ready?" I guess it's not niall again,

"Yeah I am, who is it?"

"Come on in."

Mom yelled and then I saw a girl coming in, with flowers in front of her face, I don't have any idea who she was. She then removed that flowers and I saw that face, that I didn't expect it, she was my best friend, my everything, my unboligical sister, Ashley.


A/N: Hey guys, so thanks for the comment and readers and votes, love you all, so in this chapter, I added her best friend, so yeah guys, It would be awesome, and yeah guys so I edit last chapter, I removed that line where emily call her, so yeah guys, read this chapter, and next chapters are coming, and they would be great too and long... so keeping reading, do vote and comment... love u guys so this chapter is dedicated to AweNialler, she is awesome, go read her two fanfics that are of louis and niall, I really like to write like her, fan her and vote for her stories, and if u guys want next chapter dedicate to u comment it or message me, I'll be waiting!! Love u guys <3


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