Chapter 7

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Nialls pov

I have been trying really hard to wake up it takes so much energy out of me, Energy that I don't even have. "Niall you're doing I can you do it again?" jade asked I'm getting closer to the light. Jade lets go of my hand I hear her start to cry. I'm almost to the light... I open my eyes! I can't move or say anything but know I'm awake. I look over at her wiping her tears from her face. She looks up and she looks shocked I just smile. We just stare at each other for about 5 seconds "niall oh my god you awake!" she jumps up and gives me I hug I grunt. "I'm going to go get the doctor." She said with a big smile on her face. She walks out closing the door behind her. I look around seeing balloons and cards on the tables next to my bed. I hear the door open and see the doctor walk In with jade following right behind.

"Miss Thirlwall may you please step outside I need to run some test."

"Oh yeah okay." She walked out closing the door. The nurse grabs the clip board from the foot of the bed and walks over to me.

"Hello niall I am Dr. Martinez and I'm just going to do a couple of physical test. How are you feeling?"

"I'm okay." I croaked out. "How long have I been asleep?"

"A week in a half." I just nodded my head.

"I'm going to need you to sit up." She comes and helps me sit up and pushes pillows behind my back. She takes the thing with the light and looks into my eyes.

"Can you try and walk for me?"

"Can you help me?" she walks over and puts her arm behind my back as I put mine around her neck "1...2...3..." and we lift. Soon she lets me go and just left me walking slow and limping.

"Okay you can sit down now." I walk back over to my bed and let my legs hang off the bed. Dr.martinez walks over to the door to let jade in.

"Miss Thirlwall he can leave in about 2 hours."

"Okay thank you." Jade walks on over to me and sits down

"Hey how are you feeling?"

"I'm good just really hungry."

"I can go get you some food what do you want?"

"You would that for me?"


"Well can you get me some nandos?"

"Yeah I will be back in like 30 minutes." She said as she stood and grabbed her purse

"Alright I just phone me mum."

"Okay bye." I got my phone from the side table and ranged me mum.

"Hello?" she said


His Princess ( Niall horan & Jade thirlwall)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat