Dean x Reader//Running Out Of Time

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Imagine: you having to leave Dean or else a demon will kill him

Dear Dean,

I'm sorry babe. But I have to leave. It's not that I don't love you anymore, I do, but I have to leave or else you'll get hurt.

I love you. I love your apple green eyes, I love your smile, I love your laugh. I love everything about you. I just love you.

Goodbye Dean,
We'll meet again someday.

You sniffed as you finished the last words of your tear-stained note, and then left it on your bed. You didn't want to do this. But you had to if you wanted Dean to live. And godammit, that boy was going to live wether he liked it or not.

You grabbed your suitcases and looked around with a sigh. You were going to miss the bunker, it was the only home you've ever had. You look around the room once more and you see a dent in the wall making you smile.

You remember what happened there...


You were pushed up against the wall by Dean, steam practically coming out of his ears. "Don't you dare say that ever again y/n. You deserve to live wether you think you do or not. Do you see how many people you save?" He ranted.

"But do you see how many people I kill?" You screamed out, tears coming from your eyes. Dean grunted in frustration and hit the wall with his fist, successfully leaving a dent.

"Those are monsters, y/n. Not people. Just remember that."


A tear traveled down your face and more come afterwards. You had to leave your wonderful life, all because a demon was ruining it.

"Tick tock y/n." A voice whispered by your ear making you jump. You glared at the black-eyed bitch who was smirking. "We've gotta go before they get back." You nodded and picked up your stuff, leaving your home forever.

Three Months Later

You finally killed the black-eyed son of a bitch that took you away from the love of your life, Dean. But still, you didn't go back. He probably hated you by now. You sighed and walked into the motel, getting in line to check in.

"Name?" The sketchy cashier guy asked, his voice filled with boredom.

"Rose Tardis." You spoke out your fake name that you always use. The cashier guy rolled his eyes and held out his hand for the money, which you gave him and walked off to your room with your key. You were suddenly slammed against the wall, so you looked up.

"I knew it was you." A voice whispered. You looked up to see familiar apple green eyes. Dean. "Why did you leave?" He asked, hurt obvious in his eyes.

"D-Dean, I'm so sorry." You stuttered out, tears trailing down your face. Dean shook his head and kissed you hungrily.

"You don't know how much I love you." He spoke angrily. "I am never letting you out of my sight again."

"I wouldn't plan on it." You smirked and pulled him into another kiss.

HERES A HALLOWEEN SPECIAL!1!1 Well it's not that halloweeny, but hey, I uploaded earlier! I'm deciding to upload once a week, so yeah.

stay thirsty my friends,

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