A note to those who are trans

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Hey hey hey hey

fuck Donald Trump. Seriously. He's a sleaze of a man. I am here to support you and so are many other people in this world.

You are not a burden. You are human. Donald Trump is a sick man. He's already stated that he felt attracted to his daughter when he was younger. He's made fun of others for disabilities. The only people who aren't going to be attacked by him are straight, white, cis males. And you know what? Who fucking cares.

Look at the billions of people fighting for our rights everyday. There are so many people looking after you, so many people who care for you. So, to Donald Trump:

Send a massive fuck you.

If anyone, literally anyone at all needs someone to talk to, feel free to message me

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If anyone, literally anyone at all needs someone to talk to, feel free to message me. I may not reply right away, but I will always reply with friendship and listening ears. Stay safe venner, and do not for one second think that this man will win.

stay thirsty my memes,

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