Lucifer x Reader//Bittersweet

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Song of Choice: Broken- Abbey Glover

Requested by sammehland:
     You're a demon that Lucifer has been on and off with. Finally, you've had enough of his games.

You stared in the mirror at your skin, taking in the bumps and curves and scars that all procured over time. You refused to look at your eyes. They were red, puffy, and would only remind you of what he had done, once again. He played you. A sigh left your lips and you turned from the mirror, pulling on a sweatshirt over your tank top. The ground seemed to sway under your feet as your eyes welled up with fresh tears, dripping down your cheeks. They fell to the floor like little raindrops, sinking into the carpet and disappearing.

With your sleeves, you wiped your eyes. Your jaw screwed shut, tightening against its wires as you willed yourself to be angry, furious; anything other than sad.

He's done this so many times, yet each time you still react the same way. It's like the second you forgive him, all is well and he just breaks you over and over again. And each time, you cry. You wonder what you did to make him do this, but you realize it's not your fault. It's his. He's selfish.

A tap sounded on your door. You wanted to ignore it, but instead you opened it. A girl with ginger hair and pale skin smiled softly at you, eyes flicking black for a second before turning back to their usual brown.

"Hey, Y/N." You acknowledged her with a nod and motioned your hand over to the bed. She came in, sat down, and let you close the door. "I heard what happened," she addressed lowly, pulling her hair up into a bun. You shrugged your shoulders and slid down the door, splinters piercing the fabric of your shirt and getting caught as you fell to the floor.

"Everyone probably has." You replied bitterly, pulling at your sweatshirt with your fingers. "It's probably all over Hell by now. He sure knows how to get words by. Wants to make sure everyone knows it's my fault, not his." Your chuckles turned into sobs. The ginger went to stand, but you held out a hand to stop her. "I'm fine, Dodie. I just- I'm tired, that's all."

"You have a right to not be fine." She fluttered towards you, sitting down next to you with a hand resting on your shoulder. "Lucifer betrayed you, not the other way around. You're allowed to scream and yell and argue about it. What he did was unfair." You sniffled, head hidden in your clothes.

"He'll do it again." Dodie laid her head against yours, kissing your temple.

"He will. You need to not go back to him, then. Show him what he's missing. Show him that he'll lose you."


"How are you?" You shouldered past Lucifer through the hallway, skidding as far away from him as you possibly could. You acted like he was a disease that could be caught if touched. He could tell. "A 'hello' would be nice, Y/N." You turned around to look at him, a small, sardonic smile perking up your lips.

In seconds, your middle finger was faced toward him and you were void of emotions. His eyes flashed. You turned away and walked down the hall.

"What's your problem?" He shouted then, arms crossing over his chest. "Did I do something to irk you, Y/N?"

"You have a business meeting at 3pm, Sir." And with that, you left.

Lucifer huffed in frustration, his eyes following you down the hallway until you turned out of sight. "Just deal with the fact that not everybody likes you!" He screamed, listening to his words bounce off the walls like music at a concert. He expected an answer, or anything else besides deafening silence.


Lucifer walked into the dining room, eyes downcast. His meeting had gone horribly and ended in bloodshed. He slid into the chair opposite you and waved a hand toward the demon waiter. The demon nodded and snapped out of existence, only to come back with a tray full of food. Lucifer nodded, signifying them to leave. It was quiet for a few minutes. Your spoon clinked around in the bowl of soup in front of you, hitting the sides every once in a while. Lucifer coughed once before speaking.


"You made a mistake by coming here," you muttered over the table at him, dropping your spoon into the bowl. Your hands fell into your lap, your eyes falling down toward the ripples of soup.

"Y/N, I'm sorry." Lucifer went to stand, placing his hands against the table to help lift him up. A simple glare from you stopped him in his tracks. He was even more afraid of your regular color than of the black that he graced you with.

"Sorry for what? You have nothing to be sorry for," you drawled, eyes still on his. "Technically, I can't be mad that you're off with someone else. It's not like we were exclusive, anyway. So why should it really matter to me? It sure doesn't." Your voice cracked, but you continued, eyes taking in his like that would make your words bite worse than a dog. "I hope you love them, if you're going to stick with them. Don't just stay close because you're lonely."

His breathing stopped all together. Lucifer took in a shaky breath and stood, his chair scraping against the tiled floors. You didn't stop him this time. He pulled your chair out from the table and grabbed your arm, trying to make you stand. You sat numbly.

"Come on, just work with me here. I've given you everything and you're butthurt over a girl?" You scoffed.

"Sure, you've given me everything. But it's my life and you're trying to take it all away again, just like you did to every person before and after me. You turn them into monsters and expect them to fall to their feet in admiration. Well guess what, Lucifer? I'm done! You've treated me like shit, pretending you love me and then going off with someone else. Decide on what you want, because this is the last chance."

"I want you." His eyes glistened, his words not missing a beat. You scoffed.

"Then you better treat me right."

Tada! Ya girl finally got her ass out of a depressing rut and updated! Who would've thought.

- noelle

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