Castiel x Reader//Sorry

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Imagine: trying to kill yourself because you think you aren't worth anything

Please understand I do NOT romanticize suicide or cutting or blah blah blah etcetera. Please tell someone if you do or think about this kind of stuff. You can talk to me if you need too. I love you guys. <3
Dear Team Free Will,
I'm sorry. I'm sorry for a lot of stuff. For instance, being a burden to you guys. For being a bad hunter. For being weak. For being imperfect. I'm sorry for being clumsy, for ruining a lot of cases.

I'm just sorry. You probably don't care about me, but I do care about you. I love you guys, you mean the world to me.

Dean, please don't blame yourself. This isn't your fault.

Sam, make sure Dean doesn't blame himself, and stop forgetting the pie. Lol.

Castiel, I've never told you this, but I guess I should now or else you won't ever know. I love you. Not like a best friend, brother sister way, like a soul mate way. I love everything about you. Your wings, your unknowingness of earth, and your love for us humans and animals. I just love you.

Bye guys, it was nice spending time with you. See you in hell I guess.

Love, y/n

As you finished writing your last note, a few tears slipped out of your eyes and onto the paper. You sighed and set the paper on the kitchen table then went to a bathroom. Opening the cabinets, You grabbed a bottle of pills and unscrewed the cap, dumping some in your mouth. You took a gulp of water and drowned them down, grabbing more and more until the bottle was empty.

You cried and plopped on your bed, hiding your face in the abundance of pillows you had. "I'm sorry." You whispered to the air, your hand going up to muffle your sobs even though nobody was home. Your eyelids started feeling heavy, and you smiled a bit.

"Kid we're home!" You heard Dean yell and your eyes went as wide as they could. They weren't supposed to be here until tomorrow. Shit. You closed your eyes and pretended to sleep, but you realized the note was on the kitchen table. "Y/n!" You heard Dean shout in worry, but why would he care.

Thundering footsteps headed down the hallway towards your room and you closed your eyes. Pills please start working you whispered in your head.

"Y/n?" You heard a voice come from inside your locked room. It was deep and raspy, exactly like Castiel's. You felt a hand glide over your forehead and put some of your h/c hair back in place. "I know you are awake, y/n." He murmured into your ear.

"What do you want Cas?" You sighed and opened your eyes. Pounding started on your door, and you heard the Winchesters shouting out for you.

"What did you do?" He said, his blue eyes twinkling with unshed tears and pain. You whimpered and looked up at him with your e/c eyes.

"I swallowed a bottle of sleeping pills." You slurred sleepily, the effects starting to take place. Castiel immediately placed his hand on your forehead, trying to cure you. But he couldn't, as his stolen grace was running out.

"We have to get you to the hospital." He blurted out anxiously, picking you up and opening the door.

"What happened?" You heard Dean demand.

"She swallowed a bottle of sleeping pills. We need to get her to the hospital!" Cas stated worriedly.

"I'm fine Castiel." You murmured. You opened your eyes to see them all crying, and Sam petting your hair.

"I love you guys." You slurred out, eyes getting heavier and heavier. Your eyelids finally fluttered shut as the boys were running to the bunker door. It was your time to leave, so you let the darkness consume you all while hearing a car door shut.

stay thirsty my friends,

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