Fire With Fire

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Because why not?^^^^
To say you hated the man was an understatement. You despised to breath the same air he breathed, and even that didn't fully envelope your feelings. But there was something about him, how he had so much control of his very essence. The term "magic" didn't quit for for either of you. Neither of you did "magic" no, you transformed your very soul with a flex of your finger.
Loki liked to pick on you, t get under your skin at the wrong times, and usually you were okay with it. But not today. Life didn't give you lemons today, no life gave you a bucket of month old shit is what life gave you. And it sucked. So when Loki materialized behind you, let's just say you over reacted quite a bit.
"What the FUCK, Loki?!" You responded, hexing him through the wall.
"Hey your paying for that!" Tony yelled from a different room. The others had congregated to see where the ruckus had come from. Loki was not amused.
"What has you so angered?" He responded, sending a piece of broken wall flying at you, which you easily deflected.
"I'm not in the mood Lauyfeson," (did j spell that right?) you said and began to walk away from the situation. But Loki followed you.
"Hexing me through a wall? Seriously?" You shook you head, hoping he would leave you alone. But as always, Loki was as persistent as ever. When wasn't he? Loki continued to pursue you, mumbling Asgardian nonsense every now and then.
"For goodness sake Loki!" You yelled, hexing him through the walls of the Stark tower.
"You're paying for that too!" Tony yelled, but you knew, he already had it covered.

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