part 13 sleeping problem?!

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~ 3 months later in the flame underworld at night~

emalf was turning in his sleep and he always gets up at 2:00 in the morning because of the twins. emalf said "gruh, again." he gets up from his bed with satanick and vendetto on both his sides. emalf walks out of the room and down the stairs, to the couch and lays down on his right side and goes back to sleep.

vendetto and satanick wakes up and looks for emalf because he wasn't in the room again! satanick said "hey, where is emalf at?" vendetto said " I know were he is." satanick and vendetto walks out of the room, down the stairs to see emalf sleeping on the couch with glasses in his arms. satanick said " I am starting to get worried for emalf health." vendetto said " I agree. we have to take him the doctor flame and see whats wrong with him and see if he is having twins or not." reficul said " I think that's a good idea because I don't want my brother to go thought this alone again."

reficul voice became sad and worried for her older brother because they were separated for many years and she don't want to miss any more of his life. satanick said " are you ok refi?" reficul said " yea im fine." vendetto said " you don't sound fine?" reficul said " I am fine, ok." satanick said " ok what ever you refi."

~at 8:30 am in the flame underworld hospital in doctor flare office~

doctor flare said "oh welcome back emalf and family" ivlis said " so I am here because my second in commend is having problems sleeping can you find out, why?" doctor flare said "ah, you don't know." ivlis, poemi and rieta looked at doctor flare confused. ivlis said " what do you mean?" vendetto said "ok I have to say it now. father emalf is pregnant and he is having kids in 6 months from now." ivlis said " oh I already knew that from the beginning." satanick said "wait, how do you know your airhead." ivlis said " I can see the signs like when he said "I have to tell vendetto and my sister first." it get it away."

poemi and rieta said "he is not really good at hiding things from us here." vendetto said "wow I feel stupid." ivlis said " ah your not stupid by any means and your way smarter then me by a long shot." doctor flare said " ok I have to see emalf for a little while please." ivlis said "oh course doctor."

with that ivlis and the others leave emalf with doctor flare. doctor flare said "so you wake up at 2:00 every morning." emalf said "yea and I have to sleep on the couch." doctor flare said "yay, I have seen this before when it comes to a new parent." emalf said "oh yeah, am I having twins?" doctor flare looks up at emalf when he ask the question. doctor flare said " yes, a baby boy and a baby girl because it runs in your family genes."

emalf said "oh that's good to hear." doctor flare said " the boy is your and satanick and the girl is your and vendetto with reficul hair and wings." emalf said "so its like me and reficul when she was angle." doctor flare said "yep that's it. oh for your sleeping problems is at you are not getting enough melatonin in your body, so I am gaving you this medical that has melatonin in it." emalf said " thank you so much, for the help doctor." doctor flare said "your welcome come see me if you have any questions of the twins, ok." emalf said " I will."

~emalf walks out of doctor flare office and finds the others in the waiting room and tolded them wants going on so far.~

vendetto said " so I am going to be a father." *he was happy and shocked about the news* reficul said "see like I said you are the father of one of the twins." satanick said "oh joy!" glasses said " shut up trash! I am getting two new siblings now. cool." licorice just stand there and said nothing but smiling. ivlis said " nice, I am a grandfather now."

everyone was talking for about 15 hours and then it was time for bed and none of the work got done but ivlis said their is always tomorrow to get the work done. ivlis, rieta, poemi and licorice went back to the castle and in their rooms and falls asleep. emalf, vendetto, satanick, and glasses goes back to emalf house and get ready for bed while reficul goes back to her world and tell sin, mors, and lzet about the news and everyone at emalf house and reficul world goes to bed. emalf take 3 pills of the medical and he falls asleep in vendetto arms and beside satanick hands on his wings.

everyone will wake up at 7: 30 am by a enter came from the castle tomorrow morning but still then everyone will sleep the night away ever emalf.

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