part 23 grey field war?!

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~a loud sound came from the land of sun and it was under attack by the unknown visitors~

poemi said "father what was that?" ivlis said "it sounds like explored." emalf said "i got a bad feeling about this." vendetto said "same here." ivlis said "we are going to the land of the sun." rieta said "alright."

~so ivlis and his team teleports to the land of the sun~

ivlis said "what in the world happen here?!" he said looking at the almost destroy world. igls unth said "brother! you guys shouldn't be here!" ivlis said "igls! what happen here!" igls unth said "an unknown visitors came out of no where and started attacking the land of sun." ivlis said "so that why we heard a loud explored from here."

vendetto said "father what do we do now?" ivlis said "i don't know." poemi said "maybe we could help?" ivlis said "ok, we will kill the unknown visitors once and for all!" flame demons said "YAY!!"

~so ivlis and siralos puts the plan into action~

jon, chuck, sookie, fireball, bonnie, sasun, and devom search the flame underworld for unknown visitors. emalf and his kids stay inside the castle with ivlis and siralos and vendetto, poemi and rieta search the cameras and the lava pits.

raven said "mommy, whats happening." emalf said "oh, nothing just a safe run." emerald said "hm? i don't like unknown visitors." emalf said "its fine, raven and emerald." emerald and raven said "ok, mommy."

~then a loud sound came from outside the flame barrier around the flame underworld.~

white said "well, well, well. what do we have here. a flame barrier." shadow said "looks like we cant get in but they cant get out." white said "yep." black said "how are we going to kill him, we cant get in." white said "oh, we destroy the flame barrier by its source of course." shadow said "oh, that's a good plan." they look up to the land of sun and sees the flame barrier.

~10 minutes later the land of sun was knock out of the sky and blows up on the ground and the flame barrier goes down.~

ivlis said "well, that planed back fired." siralos said "yep." ivlis said "looks like we have to battle them now, right." siralos said "yay, seems that way." ivlis said "should we go out." siralos said "yay, lets go." ivlis said "right."

white said "ohohoh!! its the flame devil himself, lord ivlis." ivlis said "how do you know my name?" white said "that's none of your business how i know your name." ivlis said " it is my business." white said "ohohoh." siralos said "this girl is weird." ivlis said "i agree with you." siralos said "what do you want?"

white said "i want your life, ivlis." ivlis said "oh, you are the devil counterpart of etihw." white said "ah, your not so stupid after all." siralos said "HEY! MY SON IS VERY SMART! DONT YOU EVER CALL HIM STUPID!!" ivlis said "wow, he is detecting me." he thought.

white said "well, well. a very loving father you are." siralos said ".... who cares about what you think white." white said "well, i will being killing your son now." siralos said "oh hell no! your not."

~white, black, siralos and ivlis battle for same time till the flame demons comes back from searching and started to fight as well.~

ivlis said "you are not going to kill me so easy." he said covered in blood. white said "that's why they call you hydra flame devil dragon." ivlis said "i see that name is going everywhere." siralos said "hydra flame devil dragon?" he thought and laying behide ivlis covered in blood.

black said "the sun god is weak." siralos said "oh hell no you didn't." he stabs black with his sun spear and throws him to a wall. black said "that's more like it."

~white and ivlis fights with spears.~

emalf said "you gay demon get out on!" shadow said "not till your devil is die!" emalf jumps and bites shadow arm and tears it off and blood falls on the floor. shadow said "you have very sharp teeth." emalf said "they don't call me the vampire fire bat demon for nothing, you know." shadow said "i see." he grabbed emalf and punch him in the gut hard. emerald and raven change forms.

emerald said "you hurt my mommy, you will die." he said as adult and stabs shadow and raven stabs shadow as well and throws him to a wall while shadow coughs up blood.

~reta, usbra and arorg fights rieta, vendetto and poemi.~

vendetto said "these guys are going to die!" his arms are cut and blood drips to the ground. poemi said "ggrr! cat angels go die!!" she jumps chomps on reta tail. reta said "aahh!! get her out me!" she runs around in a circle. rieta stabs usbra with her claws.

~ivlis, siralos, white and black continues to fight.~

siralos breathes heavy and falls to the ground in pain and his body in covered in black spears and black is covered in siralos sun spears. ivlis said "i see your god is down." he panted heavy protecting his father from white. white said "the same to your god as well."

ivlis said "ah." he was thinking all the time on the land of the sun with his sister and father. he was writing on the walls on the school, being mad to the other students, eating his father cakes and running back to his room, and meeting his grandpa satan for the first time.

white said "hm?" ivlis said "i am the sun flame devil and you will not kill me or my father!!" his eyes turned bright yellow and flies up the top of the flame underworld castle and make a large light wave that blows everything that's not part of the flame underworld that also means emalf, emerald and raven but they hide behide vendetto to still safe till the light wave blows back to ivlis.

~the grey field was blown out of the flame underworld for good and the barrier was put back in place.~

vendetto said "what the hell was that?!"raven said "i don't know but it was scary." she hugged her father leg. emerald said "it look like it came from the castle." poemi said "lets go! i hope daddy is ok." vendetto said "me too."

they ran to the castle and sees igls unth and siralos with tears in their eyes looking up at the top of the castle. igls unth said "brother, why brother." siralos said "........." vendetto said "where is father that?" igls unth said "up there." she points to a sun flame ball above the castle that's surround by tiny suns and flames with a large flame around the sun.

poemi said "please tell me that's not really daddy in there, is it." siralos said "it is he accepted who he really is and that's him." he said with tears in his eyes. 

poemi, rieta, emerald, raven, and emalf falls on the floor in shock they cant believe their father and grandpa turns to a sun flame ball and they started to cry. vendetto was mad and angry. vendetto said "you said you will always be here for us and you will never leave us alone!" he said kicking and throws things around then falls to the ground crying. vendetto said "please! don't! leave! us! alone! father!!" he dropped his spear on the ground still crying.

is ivlis really gone?

is he dead or will he come back in a new form?

stay turn for chapter 24!

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