3~Intro's Don't Go Quite As Planned

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The hippocampi got us as close as they could to inland waters, but eventually the polluted shoreline made them sneeze and stutter, so we sent them back, promising lots of hippocampi treats when we got home. I patted Surf lovingly.

“Don’t worry. I’ll be fine out here,”

It sounds like some drall place, m’lady! No tides or nuffin!

“It will be fine. And don’t call me m’lady, its weird,”

Of course, m’lady! Bring me some sugar lumps, though, will ya? Apparently they’re good.

“Yeah, yeah. Now go on, or the trash will get to your mane,”

Surf whinnied, then bounded off with Tumbler, who did an artistic flip before diving into the ocean waters. Father laughed.

“Show off. Ah well, you can’t expect them to be anything less, the way we spoil them,”

“Yeah,” My Dad looked at me, then sighed.

Still so young,” I heard him whisper, before trudging through the murky waters. I hesitated, then followed. Might as well go meet Percy, I thought.


“Percy, this is Aria,”

My brother stared at me, his mouth precariously close to gaping open.

We were standing on the beach at Camp Half Blood. When Dad and I got there, it seemed that Percy was waiting for us there, just staring into the sunset like a dead fish. Gave him some shock too; Dad, his holy godliness, had taken a wrong turn into a load of seaweed-covered fish poo, which, by the way, isn’t in any way cleansing. Fortunately, Dad used his now-very-useful godly powers to get us cleaned up.

Not before we met up with Percy, of course.

Aria,” he said “Aria, Aria, Aria,”

“Yeah, yeah, that’s my name, don’t wear it out,”

“Does it stand for anything?” Ugh.

 I hated it when people asked me that. But I guess that his name had pretty much the same problem, being named after some dumb Greek hero. Not that Ariadne was dumb, of course.

“Ariadne, Perseus Jackson. Don’t make me say it again,” I glared at him to make sure that he got the message, but he was still staring at me(the perve). I snapped my fingers in his face, and he woke up from his crazy internal inspection of me. Dad laughed and ruffled our hair.

“Alright, since you two get on great,”I could taste the sarcasm in his voice! “I think I’ll be leaving you here, Aria,”

“WHAT?!” me and Percy yelled. But Dad had already disappeared into some stupid seawater.

“So much for the advice,” said Percy. I sighed.

“You daring to give me a tour of this place?” I asked him cheekily. He groaned, but beckoned me over.

“Yes, I dare, Ariadne Jackson. Now hurry up, or we won’t make it to dinner,”

“Alright, Seaweed Brain,” Percy looked at me weirdly, which reminded me of that Annabeth person I had yet to meet.

“So, is that Annabeth person your girlfriend?”

Shut up,”

But I noticed him blushing, and devised a little plan on this Annabeth Percy was refusing to tell me about.


Percy showed me everything on our little tour: the Cabins, the dining pavilion, the amphitheatre...The list goes on and on, so by the time we reached the Big House, which Percy insisted on showing me last('for your own sake'), the skies had already started to darken, with glimpses of stars flitting in and out. I personally thought the place looked nicer in my dream, but maybe that was just me. The Big House certainly looked more comfortable in my dream, because, what with all the stuff Percy said about it, it sounded like trouble.

When we reached the porch, Percy stopped for a moment, and stared at a deck chair placed where you could see all of the strawberry fields that the camp had.

"What's the matter?" I asked him, because, brother or not, I was worried about that look on his face. It reminded me of Dad; his face would sink into a similar look whenever I asked about Mom. Which, I realised, was another thing I had to quiz Percy on.

"This was where I first set eyes on Camp Half Blood," His eyes were sad and full of stuff that gave perfect opportunity to tease him with, but I let him continue "On that deck chair. I never noticed it before..."

Percy suddenly flinched, and staggered, so I quickly pushed him over to the deck chair and let him fall. He landed surprisingly softly, but a loud CRACK! showed that my brother had a few extra weights that he didn't need to be carrying. I sighed and crouched down next to him.  

"Oh, brother,"

"Oh brother indeed. May I ask you why young Peter Johnson is sitting in my deck chair?"

A plump, middle-aged man with curly black hair and an awesome leopard-skin shirt was standing next to Percy, and eyeing me with distaste.A glint in his eye showed that Percy and him weren't that good friends, but that didn't mean that I didn't stand a chance.

"Glad you like my shirt," said the man. Uh-oh. God alert. "But that doesn't mean we'll get along smooth as sugar, girl. New camper, I'm guessing?"

The god didn't get it at first, but with my quick gesture to Percy, his face settled into a displeased frown.

"Well, my my my, what have we got here. Young Percy here is your brother? That means another of old Barnacle Beards' upbringing has been sent to torment me for the fifty odd years I have left to stay in this awful camp. 'Oh brother' is indeed a very suitable statement for this situation,"

Percy rolled over and muttered something that sounded like 'nectar' in his sleep, and the god guy huffed.

"Another one gone, it seems? Ah well, at least it shuts him up. Now, down to names. You will call me Mr D-don't ask what the D stands for, just figure it out like your good-for-nothing brother did. Now, what is your name?" He said the question in a super-annoying way, which, added to the million-and-one other drall comments about my brother...Well, lets say I got a little bit angry.

"How dare you! Gods, just because you are a god doesn't mean you can be rude like that! Honestly, what with all that he's done for you gods too Dionysus! Yes, I know your name; the naiads that come to visit from Camp Half Blood are ALWAYS talking about how annoying or attractive you are, and, frankly, you don't deserve either!" Mr D looked like he was going to interrupt, but I was on a roll. "And finally, for your information, my name is not one you can take on lightly, because my name is ARIADNE!"

This little output of mine was just enough to wake Percy up from his innocent slumber, and also bringing in the horse-guy I had seen in my dream about Percy(What was it...Charon? Chiron?).

"What in Olympus...?"

Chiron(the horse-guy I was guessing) looked around, then at me and Mr D, then at Percy. Percy was sitting up in his deck chair, looking, stunned, from me to Dionysus. Mr D coughed.

"Interesting name," He said. He turned around "That will be all," Mr D walked around the corner, bumping into a tanned, blonde girl and not even bothering to say sorry. Or look at her, for that matter(gods...). The girl looked at the now-disappeared figure of the god, and approached my brother.

"Percy," She said "What just happened?"

[EDITING]Aria Jackson and the Cure of the Deep(Percy Jackson Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now