17~I Get Hungry For Phood

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The hour-long trip(according to Robyn, but Percy and I both agreed around half a century long instead) definitely didn’t seem worth the trip once we reached and saw the food place.

Phood looked in a worse state than the place where the Lamia’s place was in. The whole structure looked like it was being held up by string, and, as Percy went to push open the door(with the less than welcoming words ‘Come on in-the place won’t fall down on you, y’know!’ hanging on the front) it turns out it was; well, at least the door was, anyway.

“Oops,” Said Percy, as the door crashed down to the floor, the pieces of string that previously held it to the doorframe hanging limply to one side. I looked at his not-so-sorry face and laughed.

“Ha, say ‘oops’ when you mean it. Who keeps a door up with string anyway?” I said, helping Robyn lift it back into the doorframe. I groaned “And a door this weight?” A deep chuckle sounded from behind us.

“Well, I guess I’ll have to say me, since it was my idea,”

Robyn and I swivelled around, to face a man in a wheelchair, fingering his light colored beard and smiling. Percy stepped forward, and blinked.

“I’ve seen that type of wheelchair before,” He said, staring at it with curiosity. The man laughed again, and nodded.

“Ah, a demigod. Yes, you probably have, if you’ve seen Chiron in his human-type form,”

Robyn stepped towards the man, her eyes full of suspicion “How do you know Chiron? Are you a god?” He sighed, and looked around.

“Oh, you’re one of them. Well, I guess none of you are much of a threat now, so I’ll show you,”

The man went to stand up, only his legs on the wheelchair stayed as they were, and instead of where his legs should’ve been, a dark, brown, furry body started to emerge. Out came two front legs, then a long body, then the man’s-or should I say centaur’s, behind came out. The centaur kicked the wheelchair and fake legs back, and reared.

Ah, it’s so good to be out of that thing for once,” He looked down at our awed faces, and my stomach decided to tell me how hungry it was. He laughed “Here, I’ll get you some food. This is a food place after all. Oh yes, how could I forget. My name is Pholus,”

“Pholus?” I said, racking my brain to find where that name was familiar. I could never concentrate whenever the Nereids were trying to teach me things like Ancient Greek history, so they pretty much concentrated my teaching on battle stuff and fighting, one of the only things I could actually get myself lost into “I think I’ve heard of you before…”

“I’ll give you a clue,” Said Pholus, and pointed to an urn with a picture of a centaur and a man with a hell load of muscle. Guy with a hell load of muscle…

“You helped Heracles, didn’t you?” Said Robyn “And you were the only other civilized centaur apart from Chiron,” Pholus nodded, then pointed to another door.

“Yes, quite right. Shall we discuss this over some pasta? I did promise this young lady-“ He gestured to me “-some food, after all. I’m sorry if pasta is not to your liking, but I’ve gotten rather fond of making it recently, and have made a bit too much just for me to eat. It would be fine if this place were in fully functioning condition, but unfortunately it isn’t, so I rarely get any customers anymore. Shall we?”

We went through the door, and I heard Percy’s voice in my mind.

Wow, Robyn could match Annabeth with her knowledge on all this Ancient Greek history stuff.

I laughed, then grinned at him, who grinned back after a surprised pause.

Well, I thought, might as well accept the fact that we can read each other’s minds.

[EDITING]Aria Jackson and the Cure of the Deep(Percy Jackson Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now