4~I Accept a Quest a Little on the Deep Side

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 The girl stared from Percy to me in awe.

what happened?” she repeated, looking more at me than at Percy this time. Somehow I had a feeling this was Annabeth(maybe my brothers’ 'subtle' blushing gave it away).

“Er,” stuttered Percy. I decided to take over from him in my own little way.

“Oh hi there! You must be Annabeth. Percy’s told me so much about you,” I giggled and looked at Percy lovingly “I’m Aria, in case you haven’t heard,”

Annabeth’s face was changing swiftly, so I speeded on with my plan.

“I’m Percy’s new girlfriend,” Now that got them. Annabeth's look was hilarious, but Percy's was winning. His mouth was open wide enough for a whole beehive of bees to go and nestle in and make honey, and his eyes were popping like crazy, I tell you. Unfortunately, the horse-dude Chiron had to spoil it all.

"I think thats enough fooling around, Aria," he said, lifting me up and trying to put me onto his back.

"Hey! Geroff! I don't want a pony ride Horsey!" I yelled, wriggling in the centaur's grasp. Gods, he may look like a harmless morph of a My Little Pony, but boy  is he strong. He dropped me onto his back and I crossed my arms in annoyance. Chiron chuckled.

"You and Percy are scarily similar, Aria,"  laughed Chiron "Although Percy would be more comfortable to kill me, what with him knowing me better," I hmphed and glared at him, oblivious of the shocked looks I was getting from Percy and Annabeth. Chiron was obviously someone big and probably important, but he didn't feel like a god, and, anyway, I had other things on my mind.

"All right, all right. Sorry, sorry, I am not Percy's girlfriend-" a big sigh of relief, but I was sure that Annabeth was still glaring at me "- but I am similar. I am Aria Jackson, Percy here's twin sister," Just in case he thinks he has an advantage in anything, I also add "Older one, however. I'm the elder twin,"

By this time, Percy was still gawking, but Annabeth had recovered enough sense to ask me some stuff.

"So you're not Percy's girlfriend,"


"Or know anything about us,"

"No. Well, kinda. It's a bit obvious that you're his girlfriend, especially now, with you asking me all these questions to try and figure out if I'm worthy of knowing or not," Did I mention I'm good at figuring out people?

"Oh," Annabeths face was neutral, but I could tell in her eyes that she was thinking. Hard. 

Finally, Percy returned to the world. A bit stressy.

"Aria, that was not funny,"

"Was too,"

"Well, pissing off Mr D isn't. He hates us already, Aria. What were you thinking?"

"Pardon, Mr Johnson?" Ooh, goodie. A god has come to join in the fight. And, no, it wasn't a happy one.


"Oh, nothing Mr D. Nothing, nothing at all,"

"Hmph. Good. Now," He turned to me "Miss Jackson, I do believe that a certain Oracle wants to blurt out another one of those silly prophecies to you. I would advise you to be on your way," Mr D walked off through the back of the Big House, and everyone went silent. Finally, Chiron spoke.

"Well, Mr D is right about that. Aria, follow me," Chiron started walking, but I pressed my knees together.

"Can I get off your back now?" 

[EDITING]Aria Jackson and the Cure of the Deep(Percy Jackson Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now