11~Fun Fun Fun

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As I walked up to the archery range, Percy dragging his feet grudgingly behind me, I could already recognise Robyn's figure, shifting some advanced targets around, her blonde streak of hair dimmly lit up by the slow-rising sun. With acute beams of light dancing across her face from the dawn, she looked as though she was glowing, a glow not unlike the glow I'd noticed on my godly companions earlier. But it can't be that, I reminded myself, because she's a demigod. She's probably just quite a powerful one.  My point was proved as she shot an arrow through a miniscule gap in between the targets.

"Hi," I said, smiling at her "You're Robyn, right?" At first, there was a look in her eyes that I'd never seen before; almost predatorial. Then she looked at me, and it was almost as if it was never there.

"Yeah," she replied warmly "That's me," she glanced at my brother "I know you. You're that boy who asked for my help yesterday. Percy, isn't it?" My brother nodded, once again in that silly drool-inducing-daze. She looked back at me, a mischevious glint in her eyes  "But I don't know you are,"

"Ariadne Jackson," I replied swiftly "You can call me Aria, though. Perseus here is my brother," with that, I gave my brother a sharp nudge, and he jumped back, surprised. 

"I thought so," said Robyn with a giggle "You two look alike. So, what are you two doing at the archery range at this time in the morning? Most people rarely come here at all, par the Apollo demigods,"

"We're here to get some archery stuff," I said to her uneasily "To be specific, some waterproof archery stuff," Robyn looked at me weirdly, and I shrugged "Hey, we're the kids of Poseidon. And we do  need the practice. We're going on this Quest, y'see,"

"Aria!" exclaimed Percy, glaring at me.

"What? It's not as if everyone doesn't know about what's going on here, Percy,"

"She's right," said Robyn, turning to look at Percy again before shooting at a target "The illness is far from a secret, so your Quest is practically common knowledge. Now, you said you needed waterproof bows and arrows?"

Robyn walked to a large wooden box at the side of the archery range, and took out two pairs of bows and arrows. At first, they looked like they were made of ordinary wood, but closer up you could see the wood had a sort of unnatural sheen to it.

"There you go. They're ordinary bows and arrows, but the Hephaestus guys made this sort of polish stuff that makes them waterproof. Good for when it's pouring," She handed them to me, and I grinned.

"Thanks, Robyn,"

"No problem! Have fun shooting squid or whatever you're doing with them,"

Something caught her eye, and Robyn swivelled around, and shot at what seemed to be a tree, but when she retrieved her arrow(the tree nymph would have killed her otherwise), I saw she had actually shot a falling leaf. Wow, I thought as I walked towards the lake, she sure is a good shot.

"She's amazing," said Percy dreamily, and I whacked him with my bow.

"Shut it, Mister. You already have a girlfriend. How you got her is a mystery, but...Hey!"

"What? You deserve it,"

"I did not deserve that. No one deserves to be hit if they're telling the truth,"

"You do,"

"Fine then,"


"If I deserve to be hit, then you do too,"

"How does that work?"

"You're my brother. Simple logic, really, but I wouldn't expect you to understand," For some strange reason, that comment annoyed Percy, and he folded him arms unhappily.


"Sheesh. I didn't know you were that sensitive. I'm kidding," Percy grinned evilly, and I suddenly realised we had reached the side of the lake. Before I could even think to do anything, my darling little brother pushed me in, somehow making sure that I would fall into a lovely patch of seaweed, that promptly got tangled in my hair.

Good thing I'm a kid of Poseidon, otherwise I'd never get to see the look on Percy's face as practically half the lake crashed down on him.

"ARIA!" yelled Percy, as he floated up to the surface, spitting out some unfortunate fish that got the pleasure of viewing the inside of my brothers pie-hole.

"How should I know you didn't have your water-shield-breathing-thing on? I thought it was automatic!" Well, obviously it wasn't, but at least we learnt something new! Percy glared at me, and I smiled back, shrugging "Let's start training, shall we?"

[EDITING]Aria Jackson and the Cure of the Deep(Percy Jackson Fanfic)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang