5~I Wet My Bed-Bad

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Annabeth, Grover and Percy looked at me disbelievingly.It was obvious that had no faith in what I just said, but, fortunately, Wise-Guy Chiron put it upon himself to prove me right.

"Aria is correct," said Chiron "But I was hoping she wasn't. All those tales about Atlantis being Elysium-on-earth were in fact true. When Atlantis was first discovered, anyway,"

"At first, Atlantis was just the most beautiful place on earth-thanks to the gods. They tried their hardest to make the perfect place for help and relief, that it would eventually create peace in our world. But nothing is that simple. The Atlanticans-the people who were created to nurture and protect Atlantis-became spoilt and arrogant, rarely letting any travellers in need to come onto the island, and saving all the best treasures for themselves. The gods realised that this could never end up in peace, so they urged Zeus to demolish Atlantis before it created permanent damage to the world. But as you know, Percy-" Percy nodded "And you have yet to witness, Aria, a god is naturally stubborn,"

"I think I have witnessed it, Chiron," I said, looking at him seriously "Mr D, remember?"

"Oh yes," he said, then continued "Anyway, since Zeus is the king  of the gods, he is naturally most stubborn. He refused to believe anything of his own idea and creation could defy him, so the gods were left to persevere with the wrongdoings of the Atlanticans, hoping that they would eventually realise themselves and turn good again. But, no. It was never that simple with demigods,"

"What?" I said, but Chiron rushed on with the story like nothing had happened. Hmm, I thought, he's hiding something. But I continued listening, in hope that Chiron might let another slip while telling the story.

" The Atlanticans got worse, just as the gods predicted. They started comparing themselves to the gods, thinking that they were the better on caring for the world and, to the gods' fear, they started demanding immortality. When the gods refused them, the Atlanticans went crazy. They started creating a special potion called Immorse. This Immorse potion, in small doses, could cure anything, but, in large doses, could make you immortal. Or so the Atlanticans believed,"

"Instead, the Immorse ate up their human soul and turned them into monsters. The Immorse also ate up Atlantis, and the whole safety of the place too. Whichever unfortunate sailor who stumbled upon the shores of this new, deadly Atlantis would be certain to never come out again. Of course, the gods had to do something about it, so Zeus got Poseidon to create a great wave to demolish Atlantis, and to send it to the bottom of the sea, where it would, hopefully, create no more chaos. And that was the end of that,"

"But it can't be the end of that," said Annabeth "If the cure is in Atlantis, then at least something is there, making it or guarding it. It just can't  be that simple!"

"There have been suspicions, of course, of Atlantis rising and terrorising the seas once again, but I will have to discuss this before we can go any further,"

"Discuss this? With who?"

"With whom, Percy. With the gods, of course,"

With that, Chiron ushered us all to bed, as it turned out to be quite late, and apparently me and Percy had lots of training to do in the morning.

"But Chiron," I inquired "I already know how to fight, well, in water, and it's easier to fight on land than in sea, so really...,"

"You are quite right, of course, Aria. But that is also why you will need lots of training,"

"But I'm fine!"

 "You can fight in water. But Percy can't,"


Sometimes I hate dreams. They can really screw up your day.

 I was in a large, dark cave, that was quite small, and had a load of what looked like to be lines of stacalites at the entrance. The stacalites were too tall to move under, and too wide to slip through, so they seemed to indicate the cave as a sort of prison cell. Oh, well done,  said my conscious annoyingly, who had probably known this the whole time. I ignored it, and continued exploring the room. It also took me quite a time to realise that I was in a prison cell. Stuck, with no place to go. Just as I started to panic, a familiar looking boy came out of the shadows.

" What are you doing here?" He asked in a panicky way "He's gonna come soon, and then you'll be in trouble. Get out of here!" He grabbed me, and started tugging me towards the 'bars' of the cell. Then he did a double take.

"Percy?" He asked in awe, and I suddenly realised why his face looked so familiar. But before we could do anything, the stacalites exploded open. A creepy voice spoke.

"Nico," It said, the voice jeering and unpleasant "Why how kind of you to show dear Perc-" Then the dude caught sight of my face and laughed menacingly. His face was very tanned, and he had dark hair that wisped around his face, and a tall stature. But his eyes...His eyes were the most frightening thing. They were bright red, and glowing in a way that only a monsters' eyes can.

"Oh, you're just another demigod. Nico here must be blind," He whacked Nico round the head, and I gasped.

"Leave him alone!" I said, trying to look menacing when I was really terrified. He laughed again, and I had a strange feeling that I was going to pay for standing up to him. Bad.

"Oh, don't worry dear," He said " I have my own little punishment for you. Maybe the gods will learn to be nice to us once we drown a whole cabin of their precious little half bloods. Shame to waste them really, but it'll prove it's worth," With that, he waved his hand, and a huge river of bustling water shot out of the walls.

"Bye, bye, little hero," he said "And may Hades have mercy on you. Hah!" He evaporated into a load of bubbles, and I woke up in the Poseidon Cabin in a cold sweat. Then I realised something.

The cabin was full of water.

[EDITING]Aria Jackson and the Cure of the Deep(Percy Jackson Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now