13~An Explosive Visit

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As soon as Grover finished saying the last word, Percy sprinted off to the Athena Cabin, me not far behind him. 

"No, no, Grover's lying, it can't be possible. Can it? No, it can't, it won't" I heard him say to himself as he ran, shaking his head, little water droplets flicking off his wet hair. Wait, what? 

"Percy! Stop! I think somethings wrong..." I say, and he turns to me furiously. Oops.

"No kidding!" He yells angrily, water seeping through his clothes(and also making him look like he wet his pants, but I was smart enough not to mention that little fact) "Did you not hear Grover? Annabeth's been infected, ok Aria? She may not seem like much to you, but she means everything to me!"

He runs off, and I sit down for a moment, and look at the water that dripped from his clothes to the ground. As I looked at the surface of the little puddle that started to form, I notice how...perfect the water looked. In fact, it could almost seem to be unreal...

I ran up to the Athena Cabin to find Percy cradling Annabeth's limp head in his arms, tears streaming down his face. I walk up to him quietly, and put my arm around his shoulders.

"Don't worry, Perce, we'll save her. Her and all the others too, and we'll kick those demigod's butts hard enough to make sure that they never mess with the Jacksons," I said encouragingly, hugging him slightly as he wipes away his tears.

"Thanks, Aria. But there's one thing you've missed out. We need three people to go on the Quest. Who's gonna cover for Annabeth?"

I smiled as I realised the perfect person for the job "I think I know just the person..."


"So?" I asked "Will you help?"

Robyn looked at me, and smiled sadly. Her eyes seemed slightly more golden in the light of the slow setting sun.

“I’m really sorry, but I can’t. If all you’ve said is true, then I’m afraid that I’ll screw up your Quest more than it’s worth,”

“What?” I said, shocked that she had rejected our offer. She seemed to be a type of person who craved adventure, who couldn’t wait to get out into the real world, like me. But I guess I was wrong “How will you screw it up? It’s already pretty screwed,”

She sighs and shakes her head, letting her two-colour fringe fall over her face.

“I’m…I’m different. More than just…demigod different. I attract trouble. Lots of it,”

“Hey, so do we. Welcome to the club. But how does that change anything?”

“I don’t want anyone to die for my sake. I’m not worth it. I can’t loose anyone else…” She said, and then I saw her eyes fill up with tears, and she ran to the cabins, so impossibly fast that there was no hope that either me or Percy could catch up with her. As I start to follow her footsteps, Percy grabs my arm and pulls me back.

“No, don’t. She seems to have made her mind up. There’s no hope in trying to convince her otherwise,” He told me, but I ignored him and ran to the Apollo Cabin, where I found Robyn, sitting on her bed and holding an old photograph.

“Robyn, I’m-“

“It’s ok. I should be the one who’s sorry.” She whispered, and traced the two faces on the picture with her thumb. It seemed to be a picture of Robyn and a boy who looked like her, smiling at the camera, having the time of their lives on a fairground ride “You and your brother…It reminded me of my brother. What we used to have, before the Titan War. I guess I just don’t want to shatter something like that with my ability to cause trouble,”

“You won’t shatter anything. We’ve barely got to know each other and build up a ‘brother-sister’ relationship,”

She laughed, and looked at me “You don’t need to know each other to care for each other. And, anyway, you already do. I can tell,” Okay then, if you think so…

“What was his name, your brother?” I asked, sitting down next to her to get a better look at the picture. I also noticed that Robyn didn’t have her little fringe of golden-blonde hair in the picture too.

“Well, his full name was Drusus, but he always hated that. He preferred to be called Dru,”

“Drusus?” I said, wondering why on earth anyone would call their kid something as weird as that. In fact, why on earth would anyone want to call their kid Ariadne. I mean, come on. There are millions of other way-cooler-sounding names in the world. Stupid godly parents.

“Yeah, Drusus. It means strong, sturdy, something like that. Which he was even in the last seconds of his life,” Then Robyn went back to looking at the photo.

Finally, I decided to leave her alone. As I opened the door, I was thrown to one side by a rather careless glowing god, who totally ignored me in my poor, thrown-back state. As I rubbed my head and slowly get my shaken eyesight back into focus, I recognise Apollo, no longer wearing his Calvin Klein boxers, in a simple white t-shirt and jeans.

“Robyn! Don’t do that trick thing again! If it weren’t for nice Aria here-“ He said, then notices me and snaps his fingers. The aching in my head stops, and I’m suddenly feeling refreshed, as if I’d taken a dip in the sea “-yeah, sorry about that Aria, I’ve been trying to get in for aaaggeeess, trust me. Anyway, if it wasn’t for nice Aria here, then I would’ve never been able to give you my brilliant advice, in the form of an allegory!” Apollo started to take a deep breath, but Robyn stopped him.

“Dad, seriously. I don’t need more poetry in my life, thanks,”

“But I worked on it for an age already!” He whined.

“Um…” I said, awkwardly “Am I interrupting something here? Maybe I’ll just-“

“No,” They said in unison, so I stood where I was, as Apollo turned again to face his daughter

“Now honey-“

“Don’t call me honey,”

“Okay then, I won’t. Robyn, you’ve got to listen to me. Okay?”

Okay! Get on with it!”

“Alright, alright, sheesh. Go on the Quest with Aria and Percy.  They’ll help you. Don’t be afraid that you’ll ruin anything for them, because you’ll be ruining things for them if you don’t go. Got it?” Robyn nodded slightly, and Apollo kissed her forehead, and ruffled her hair “There’s a good girl,”

As they both turned to face me, I notice how they both have the same type of…glow, hovering around them. Weird.

“Aria, don’t forget what I said to you earlier. Those memories will have significance, as will the prophecy. Stand by your brother, and don’t forget that,”

Then he burst into a ray of light, that slowly faded into the sunset.

“Well,” I said “That was…interesting,” Robyn laughed and nodded.

“You got that right. Hey,” She said, and beamed at me “Looks like I’m going with you after all,” I smile.


[EDITING]Aria Jackson and the Cure of the Deep(Percy Jackson Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now