15~I Play With Stuffed Bunnies

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"C'mon, slowpokes, get a move-on!" Said Robyn cheerfully, charging on down the abandoned street, whilst Percy and I were trudging tiredly behind her.

"Gods, where the hell does she get all this stamina from?" Panted Percy, wiping the sweat off his forehead. I groan, doing the same.

"Must be because of her dad," I pant back.

A few hours previous, we'd been dropped off by the Greyhound in some city to the north of Camp Half-Blood, that took about three hours from camp. The ride was generally quite uneventful, much to Percy's relief. Apparently, he'd had some little incident on a Greyhound back when he was twelve, on his first Quest. I should've really let him explain more about his past, as he hadn't really told me much about it, and we are brother and sister, after all, but I decided to take a well earned nap instead, since the night previous, I hadn't gotten such a good night's sleep. Stupid nerves.

Then, after the bus ride, we had to walk, until we found the train station to take us to the edge of Maine. Apparently, the border of Canada is like a hotspot for monsters, so Chiron suggested we take a side route instead.

"Oh, honestly," Sighed Robyn, stopping next to an old store who's sign was half rotted "You guys think this is an exhausting walk?"

"Uh, yeah," Said Percy bluntly "This is one of the reasons why I don't have running more than once a week. Or is it a month?"

"Can we take a break?" I asked, pointing at the store "Just go in there, or something. They might even have some food or drinks," The last time we'd had food, was at a McDonlalds over two hours before, and my stomach hadn't missed a single opportunity to remind me that it needed more that a Big Mac and some fries to make it happy.

Robyn peered into the store "Well, I have a feeling youre gonna get neither, but okay,"

We walk in, and it's almost overwhelming the temperature difference. Outside, it was warm, but mix that with an hour or so of walking/jogging and you get pretty hot temperatures. In the store, it was perfectly cooled, maybe even a bit too cold for a building that seemed to have not even close to an air conditioning unit.

"Phew," Said Percy, sitting down on an old plastic chair next to some rubbish plastic tables and chairs "Now this is nice,"

"I'll have to agree with you there, brother dear," I said, sinking into another chair and sighing. Robyn, however, stays standing.

"I'm going to look for some food. This place can't be that abandoned, because it looks like it's been repaired fairly recently," I sit up in my chair.

"How do you know?" She points to some random patchworked tiles on the floor, and some boards on the walls that were of a different colour to the actual boarding "Oh,"

"You guys stay here, I'll just be around the corner," She said, and disappears from view.

"Well, I wasn't planning to move, " I mumbled, and closed my eyes, only to wrench them open again, as Percy poked me in the cheek "Hey!"

"Aria, maybe I should tell you something," He said, his voice serious.

"Surely you can tell me while I have my eyes closed?" He shakes his head.

"You have to look at me, or you probably won't believe me," I sit up again "Okay, you know how I started, ah, taking off my armour before we went into the lake?" I nodded.

"Yeah, why?" How on earth is that relevant now, anyways?

"Well, I have a reason for that, and I think it's best for you to know," He took a deep breath(dramatic or what?) "I'm immortal,"

[EDITING]Aria Jackson and the Cure of the Deep(Percy Jackson Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now