8~I Teach Seaweed Brain the Works-WATER Works, That Is

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Atlantis,” Percy reads out, moving his finger over the engraved letters “Weird. These letters were carved in ages ago. This must be really old,”

 “Just like the rest of this place,” I note “This must have been made a while ago; probably long before that truce thingie was made,”

“Truce thingie?”

I sigh.

“That truce that the gods made after World War Two, or something. When the Big Three decided not to have any more kids? This place can’t have been made after that period, because, well, as far as I know, it can only be opened by a child of Poseidon,”

Percy nodded understandingly, and then took the shield off its stand.

“Here. We’ll take this to Chiron. You’d better pick your own shield, unless you want this ‘ole thing,”

He flung the shield onto his back, and walked off to inspect some of the weaponry left at the side, leaving me at peace to pick a shield. My hand lingers on a small, round shield with pointed edges. No, too light. I pick up a large one with large bits carved out on the side. No, too brash. Small, large, sharp, scary-looking shields pass my eyes, but none are to my liking. I am almost at the end of the vast line of shields, when a glimmer from one of the smaller stands catches my eye.

On the small stand is a charm bracelet, with various sea-related charms on the chain. I recognise a seahorse, a piece of shell, various other things, but a weird disk-like charm mystifies me. It looks a bit like a cockle shell, but flatter, and has a hole near the edge of it. I slip the bracelet onto my wrist, and grab the weird cockle shell charm with my free hand…

Whoosh! Suddenly the innocent looking charm bracelet was no longer a bracelet, but a shining silvery-blue shield with the same patterns as the weird disk charm on the bracelet. This is cooler than Percy’s watch-shield, I think cheekily. Way cooler!

I tap the rim of the leather handle, and the shield shrinks back into bracelet form.

“Percy! Where are you going?” I holler, indicating the fact that he was halfway across the arena already.

“What?” He answered, stunned, then looked at himself, as if he wasn’t even conscious of moving “Oh. Right,”

“You’re not getting out of training that easily, Mr Jackson,” I say, imitating his teaching voice that I’ve heard him use on some younger campers. He laughs.

“All right, you got me. Shall we start?” 

Percy needed a lot of practice. Everything he did was slow and predictable, and he totally didn’t use to his advantage the fact that we were absolutely surrounded by water.

“Enough!” I yell. Looks like I’ll have to teach him some skills myself “Percy, look around. What are you surrounded by?”

Percy looks around cluelessly before getting it with a jolt.

“Water,” Finally.

“And who is your parent?”

“Sally Jackson?” I wince. Mom.

“The other one?” You can tell that it’s dawning on him now.


“Correct. So?” He knows now. You can tell on his face.

“We can control water,”

I sigh and clap mockingly.

“No, really? I never knew,” I say sarcastically, then leap back as he attempts to swipe at me. I wave a finger at him “No hitting the teacher while she’s about to demonstrate, Mr Jackson,”


“Alrighty then. Just know, you deserve it,”

  I step back a few steps, closing my eyes and concentrating on the blade of my sword and the water surrounding it. Opening my eyes, I step forward, swinging the sword and causing a seemingly harmless-looking ripple to coarse through the water, hit Percy in the stomach, and throw him backwards into a big rock covered in coral.

“Ow,” says Percy, pulling himself back up “That hurt,” 

“No kidding,”

“A little help, maybe?”

“Ok, ok,” I concentrate on the water around Percy and will it to push him up and onto his feet. Through the water I could sense his surprise as the water lifted him gently back up.

“Oh,” He said “I wasn’t asking for help in that way, but whatever,”

He dusts off the coral that latched onto his armour and comes over to where I’m standing. I look at him questioningly.

“Shall we go back then?” I ask innocently “After all, we do have to show Chiron that shield sooner or later,” 

“All right then. Lets just hope that the shield won’t get us into any more trouble..,”

[EDITING]Aria Jackson and the Cure of the Deep(Percy Jackson Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now