16~Robyn Gets A Free Belt

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"Where'd you get that bow from?" I asked Robyn, as she nudged the pile of sand around to reveal the weird patterned belt the Lamia was wearing.

"Weird spoil of war," I heard her mumble to herself "Oh, my dad gave it to me the night before we left. Perfectly fitted for me, and can't be broken. He gave me a quiver of arrows too," She picks up the belt and her three arrows she shot at the monster. Percy, who by then had cut himself out of the play-pen, pointed to the arrows.

"Have they got any special powers? During the Titan War, some of the Apollo kids had some unique ones we used against Kronos' army,"

"Oh no, I don't want anything fancy. I feel more accomplished when I know I killed a monster with my own skill, not by some magic power a god has lent me," She said, dusting monster off the tips "The arrowheads are made of Celestial Bronze, so they're as effective as any of your weapons,"

"Hey, what's-" I started to say, opeing a dark red door I hadn't noticed before, then gasped, as a horrid stench filled my nose. A pile of skeletons was in the centre of the room, along with various rotting remnants of their bodies still clinging onto their bones. I slammed the door shut, not wanting to identify the skeletons any further, knowing that the Lamia fed on children "Oh gods..."

"Aria? Are you ok?" Asked Percy, looking at me with concern. I took a deep breath, then nodded, sending up a silent prayer that they all went to Elysium in the Underworld.

"Yeah," I said, and kicked one of the ridiculously large play-pens "I'm fine,"

"Um, Percy? Aria? I think you'll want to see this," Said Robyn, from the room that the Lamia brought in her cookies. She was holding up a letter, that read:

Dear Lamia,

Thank you for your kind offering of help. We have kept our side of the deal, and with this letter is the supply of knock-out drug from our drug garden. Do not forget that you must hand us Perseus Jackson in an uneaten state, or we will send our helpers to kill you as many times as they see fit. You are allowed to eat all other demigods with him, but make sure you get as much information as possible out of them before you feast.The other drug contained(the blue one with red spots) will help with this matter.

We await your contact.

The Atlanticans

Atlantis Herb and Shipping Co.

Below the text was a round insignia showing a gate half submerged in water, along with a simple map showing the various shipping centers. I laughed, pointing at it.

"The Atlanticans obviously didn't think we would get hold of this, did they," I said, looking closer at it. Percy looked at it suspiciously.

"I don't know. Something tells me the Atlanticans are smarter than that. It could be a trap..."

"Well, either way, we'll have to head to one," I said, tapping the one that seemed the closest. I looked to Robyn for confirmation, since she seems the most certain about what she does. She peered at the little map, then sighed.

"This Quest may not have much of a time limit, but it doesn't mean we don't need to hurry. However, Percy has a point. I think it'll be the best if we travel close to the center, but not go straight in. We can decide what to do when we get there," She said, almost commandingly, and I nodded.

"Hey, do you think it will be useful to bring along some of this stuff?" Said Percy, holding up some of the killer blue cookies, and some of the blue-with-red-spots stuff, that really looked like small coloured potatoes "And some money. The Lamia must have at least a few drachmas or some mortal money around here," He sniffs the cookies, then makes a face "Ugh. Who knew Atlantis had a drug garden. Would've kinda spoilt those stories about it, don't you think?"

I nodded, giggling, then went and found a small box, and put the drugged stuff into it. In a drawer, Robyn found a heap of drachmas, a stack of dollars, and a advertising leaflet for Mama Lammie's Childcare, with a little map of where it was.

"Okay, " She said, comparing the two small maps "If I'm correct, the nearest Atlantis Shipping Center is only an hour's walk from here-" Cue mine and Percy's groan "-so I guess we have a bit of time to find food before we go," She stared at us weirdly "One hour isn't that long, guys,"

"It is to us,"  Said Percy, breathing a sigh of relief "Now lets find us some food!"

Turns out the closest food place was-who'd guessed it-an hour away. Robyn grinned, tapping the spot where the place, called Phood, was.

"Just around the corner from the center! We can get started right away!"

"Oh you have got to be kidding me..." I said, glaring at Robyn's annoyingly joyous face. She speeds out of the store, laughing.

"C'mon you two! The sooner you get going is the sooner you'll get food!"

"Y'know," Said Percy, grudgingly stepping forward "I think I'll prefer starving to death than walking for another hour..."

[EDITING]Aria Jackson and the Cure of the Deep(Percy Jackson Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now