9~Oh Brother...

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“WHAT?!” roared Chiron, his white horsey legs going all skitterish “An almost exact replica of the fighting arena in the lake? For years children of Poseidon have skipped into the lake to practice, and I thought nothing of it, and now you are saying that they knew all about this place, and didn’t tell me???”

I looked at Percy, then back at Chiron.

“Yeah, that’s pretty much what we’re telling you,” Chiron resumed pacing around the room angrily. I looked at Percy again, and then suddenly I’m hearing his voice.

“Whoa. I’ve never seen him this pissed before. Well, thinking about it, I’ve never actually seen him pissed..,”

Wow. That did not just happen, I thought to myself. It’s probably just me, being my normal, weird self.

“Also,” said Percy, and he brought out the Atlantis shield “There’s this. What’s it doing in the Poseidon, erm, place?”

Chiron glanced at the shield, then froze. Percy and I exchanged nervous glances as he took it-well, more like grabbed it, really-from Percy and inspected the trident and Greek engravings on the side. Finally, after a really long, awkward silence, Chiron spoke.

“I’ve-regrettably-been keeping a few things from you about the Atlanticans. Now I realise how stupid it was to keep this piece of information from you both,” He pulled open a drawer in his desk, and took out an old photo frame, that looked like was once hanging on the wall of famous demigods (hey, thinking about it, why aren’t I on that wall?!). It showed almost a whole class of demigods, their characteristics ranging from blonde-haired and grey-eyed to dark and blue-eyed, and all others in between. The photo must have been very old, because the frame was nearly in pieces, but the photo itself was outstanding in clarity and colour, which was weird. The words written underneath said:

Island of Atlas Demigods

360 BC

Underneath that was a list of names. I stared at the date written carefully in cursive italic.

“360 BC? But that was-“

“-Centuries ago!” Percy finished. I looked at him weirdly, before again thinking nothing of it. Chiron nodded in confirmation, and I glanced back at the old-yet new- photo. Suddenly fear jolted me. That face…At the back, in the corner. With that same knowing smirk I saw him do in my dream. It’s him!

“Wait. Chiron, are you saying that… the Atlanticans were demigods?”

“Are demigods, Aria. They are no more in the past than we are,” My eyes scrolled down to the names written underneath. There. Damianos. Written in perfect cursive, that seemed to suit his clever smirk in seemingly every way.

“Who’s?” asked Percy. Me and Chiron stared at him quizzically until I understood his statement. Who’s their parent. Chiron sighed and looked out at the strawberry fields.

“Every god,” Percy and I look at him in shock, and suddenly all hope of defeating these guys was blown out of my brain “The gods didn’t want simple mortals caring over their paradise. So they all chose their eldest or most prided of child from Camp-yes, Percy, Camp Half-Blood has been here longer than most presume- and sent them to Atlantis. This photo was taken just before they left,”

Chiron looked down at the photo, his face unreadable. I pointed at the boy from my dream.

“That guy, Damianos, I think. Who’s his-“Suddenly it hit me. His dark features. His ability to fill our cabin with water. And those piercing green eyes that only now I realise are so alike to Percy’s and mine.

Our enemy was a son of Poseidon. 

[EDITING]Aria Jackson and the Cure of the Deep(Percy Jackson Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now