Chapter 1 Wells

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Dane wasn't doing so good. Wells may have cauterized the wound, but that doesn't mean it wasn't already infected before.

"Hes going to get better right? Right!?" Olivia asked, practically bothering Wells almost every minute of the day.

"He will be, Once I find some Aloe Vera, there must be an abandoned drugstore or something around here, those supply boxes the group brought back doesn't contain anything really useful for this, sure there's antibiotics, but they only kill pain." Wells replied, packing a bunch of materials into a backpack.

"You're leaving?" Linq asked, entering the dropships upper level.

"Yep, Dane needs to be healed, only way to heal him is to find the correct essentials. Don't worry I'll be back in no time, who knows, maybe I may run into some of the other groups we sent out." Wells said, zipping the backpack up, throwing it around his arms, and steadying it on his back. He crafted it from some of the hefty materials in the dropship.

"Can I come?" Linq asked, raising a brow. "If you get injured out there, you'll be all alone! Someone needs to assist you."

"He's right." Olivia said, eyeing Wells. "If you do get hurt, whats the chance of one of the groups embarking on you? You can die out there. Plus, there is animals...Remember that bald eagle?"

"Animals? The Animals are an advantage. I could eat one. I may not be an expert on hunting, But I learned a thing or two in The Earth Skills class. Plus, I packed a pouch of apples if I do get that hungry." He said, patting the backpack firmly.

"...Alright...Don't come running back when a mutated pigeon tries to claw your eyes out." Linq commented. Wells nodded, waving goodbye to his friends as he exited the Dropship. Almost everyone was outside, frolicking, talking, some even climbing trees.

"Wheres space-boy going?" Murphy asked, as he rose from a dapple of bushes, along with his lackey following right behind.

"I'm getting Aloe Vera for Dane.." Wells said, picking his pace up. He didn't want Murphy holding him up with his childish shenanigans.

"Aloe Vera? What in the hell is that!?" Murphy asked with a snooty attitude. Wells rolled his eyes, not wanting to explain the originality of the life saving medicinal plant, instead, he kept walking ignoring Murphy and his shouts in the distance, today was not the day to deal with his bull-crap, today was the day to save a boy who was shot. Wells was befuddled. He wasn't sure how or why a bullet crossed through him, there was no one else on Earth, no other group had any type of firearm, perhaps he picked it up in the woods and fooled around with it? Wells shook his head, keeping his eyes straight for any broken structures or buildings. He crossed by a stream, which flowed down a river, gaping into a waterfall leading south. Wells envied Earth, sure he was only here for half a week, but the ways it expressed its features made Wells insides tingle with joy. Not to mention, the animals intrigue him highly. Every now and then he would see a squirrel scurry up a tree, or a flock of ravens soar from a bright green bush. A few days ago, he had spotted a furry animal which was small, and had grey, black, and white fur, especially around its eyes. It also had some sort of beam of light growing off its forehead, the beam of light had a blue aura surrounding it, making Wells think back to the first night on Earth, when the forest glow in the dark. The animal shared similarities to a raccoon, but the aura feature was something that couldn't be explained, perhaps radiation had edited the creatures genes? Wells shook his head, forgetting his words as he stepped over a patch of broken oaks. No structures so far, except the eerie sound of crickets conducting, birds chirping, and the wind breezing past a line of skinny grass, causing their tips to sway majestically. A loud sound went off, and Wells halted dead in his tracks. It sounded like an extremely loud horn being blown, miles away. The sound agonized Wells sockets, making him clench his eyes shut and hold his ears. The sound crackled through his ear drums, sending him against the trees bark, the sound was so loud.

"What the hell.." He mumbled to himself, wondering what kind of animal could be the source of the noise. It sounded like a dying walrus. Well, that's what Wells presumed, he never really seen a walrus before, but by the looks of them in geological books back on The Ark, Wells could tell they made low pitched loud noises. Wells squinted, seeing a large dark silhouette dash from tree to tree. His eyes widened, as he backed up. The creature had two feet, and a large head. A chimp? It shared features similar to a chimp, or an ape. There! There it went again! Wells thought, uncovering his ears. Everything went silent. Not a noise there was. The only sound that was heard was Wells faint heavy breathing. Suddenly, an arrow zipped past Wells head, into the tree. Wells froze up, his eyes as big as they can get. The arrow had blue feathers on the tip, and the arrowhead was sharp as a blade. A thousand thoughts were running through Wells mind at the time, none of them positive. Zip! Another arrow zinged, this time closer then the other. Wells wasn't sure what was going on, but he ran. He shuffled over a flurry of logs, and zoomed past a long line of trees. Wells stopped dead in his tracks at a steep hill leading straight down. More and more arrows shot past him. He didn't have a choice. He didn't slowly step down...he jumped. His feet were off the ground, his head was high, and he circled down the hill. He finally hit the ground, bouncing up and down as he tumbled down. Thorn bushes tore his shirt, and a fallen tree branch caught his pant leg. The hill halted, forming a steep ridge. Under the ridge was a lake. Wells was dangling right over the lake, his pant leg still caught on the branch. Should he pull himself up, or should he plummet into the waters? The thought ceased in his mind, perhaps the arrow-creature left? That prediction was false, because four silhouettes stepped at the hill, coming into the sunlight. Wells looked all the way up, gasping. They were people. Two girls and two guys. They had paint smeared across their faces, weapons and ax's tucked to their sides, and them extending the arrow back, aiming, and firing. Four shots. Wells swayed to the right so the shot didn't reach him, another arrow missed him by a hair, and so did the other one. The final arrow, struck Wells in the back, causing him to topple down into the lake. He cracked his skull on a lake rock, spiraling him unconscious as his eyes slowly closed, as he drifted down the stream. Seeing the four human beings at the top of the hill, two beginning to climb down to catch up to him. Wells eyes were fully shut, and he was out. His final thoughts before unconsciousness were plain, but not obscure. He finally understands, that others lurk on planet Earth.

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