Chapter 21 Clarke

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"This is a hell of a place." Eugene snickered, leaning against the various cabinets lined up and down the bunkers walls. "Theres everything ya need here!" He spoke again, his eyes slowly closing. Clarke sighed, Eugene was drunk off of the bottle of rum they found in one of the boxes, he was like this the whole entire morning. Last night, a the teens grabbed what they can carry, and moved back to the Dropship. The only bystanders that were still here, were Clarke, Wells, Alyson, Murphy, and drunken Eugene. 

"Here, I'll carry the last few boxes out to the broken and Eugene come up when your ready to go, we'll be waiting." Wells spoke to Clarke carrying a handful of boxes up to the surface. The bunker practically looked empty, the only thing that remained was the red velvet couch, and the record player. Clarke wanted to take the record player, something that'll cheer up the other hundred as they attempt to make it through this pandemic. 

"Ah, what a family, what a family, they're all happy now though...all together." Eugene croaked, taking a swig from his bottle of rum, which was surprisingly not empty. The words shot at Clarke like a bullet bouncing off a square of bullet proof glass. Her brows shot up. 

"W-What?" She asked, quizzically walking forward to confront the foolish man. 

"The family, the daughters, the mothers, the fathers...they're dead, in the walls! Heaven at last..Ha-Ha, in the walls..." He staggered back, holding onto the walls. Clarke's eyes flashed, and she turned right around, towards the walls. One side of the room, the wall was uneven. There was various bumps sticking from the wallpaper, and brown stains blemishing the paper. If this is what Clarke, thinks, then she'll know what truly happened, everything that happened to this bunker, the history, and everything. She picked a shovel up from a box of the floor, and thwacked the wall with it. The sound must have triggered the record player, because it began spinning a record. Happy tuned guitars began to strum, as the song moved slowly. 

"Let's say, sunshine for everyone. But as far as I can remember..." The lyrics went, as Clarke continued to bash the wall a bit, some installation dangling from the small hole she was creating. "We've been, Migratory under...changing Weather.." Hack! Hack! Hack! Clarke continued to hack at the wall, dust and more installation twiddling to the floor, as bits of newspaper began to hang out. "Someday...we will foresee Obstacles...Through the blizzard, Through the blizzard..." The walls ripped open fully, and there it was, or should I say there 'They were.' Clarke gasped, and began to back up, as three grey skeletons fell from the walls. Two short and skinny, with a large one, a man, with rotted skin. The other bodies. "Today, we will sell our uniforms...Live together, Live together..." The music transitioned on to a long solo of guitar strums, which made Clarke's stomach ache. 

"You weren't suppose to find that." Eugene said hoarsely, half walking over to Clarke, as he almost tripped numerous occasions. 

"You were here, you knew about this place..." Clarke's eyes widened, as she held herself grimly. 

"Yes, Clarke..B-But I only hid the bodies in the wall...that's all I did, the family died way before I even knew about this place...more then fifty years ago they passed." Eugene burped, attempting to regain balance. Clarke's mind activated as all the pieces clicked together. These people were a nice family, the cataclysm was beginning to occur, so they went to the closest place they could to hide from the radiation, which was here. An insane professor took them in, acted like he was good, then began experimenting on them. One day, the mother went nuts from all the treatment the professor was giving her, she gabbed his gun, and shot herself. The professor then shot the father, and two girls, then exited the bunker to see if Earth was habitable after all those months. He died, he had to. And then it comes to the present. Eugene stumbled across the bunker, and hid the remaining bodies in the walls, not seeing the mothers body behind the couch. All the information connected, and Clarke's eyes widened. The mystery of the bunker was solved. 

"We played, Hide and Seek in waterfalls..." The music continued. 

"Augh! Help! Help!" A feminine voice screamed up from the bunker, whisking Clarke right away from her solved case on the bunker. Clarke quickly dashed up the ladder, leaving Eugene behind, went into the clearing. Seeing Wells and Murphy on the floor, and Alyson no where to be seen. 

"We were younger, we were younger.."

"What happened!? Wheres Alyson!? Are you guys alright!?" Clarke asked, panicking. Wells barely managed to lift his head.

"We played...Hide and seek in waterfalls...we were younger, we were younger.."

"They...took..her.." Wells said, managing to speak, as he rested his head back on the grass. He and Murphy both had concussions from hits to the head. Clarke panicked, rising up on her heels, seeing something in the distance. The faint screams of Alyson, her body attempting to squirm, as three unidentified Grounders, had her in their arms, dragging her into the woods. 

"Someday...We will foresee the Obstacles...Through the blizzard...Through the blizzard.."

SONG: Obstacles, By Syd Matters 

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