Chapter 14 Clarke

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Bellamy ran off after Octavia after their small Vendetta, which had Clarke speechless. A lot was explained when Bellamy gave his story, but some part of Clarke thought that Bellamy was right by murdering the Chancellor. You have to do what you have to do, to save your sister. Another explained act, was when they were on the first days on Earth, Bellamy wasn't wearing a wristband. Clarke took note of her observation, and was happy to say it was answered today. She had a wet rag, cleaning the bite marks lined up the side of Finns leg. 

"Don't worry Finn, your going to be okay, your going to be okay.." Clarke assured him, hearing his faint moans of pain. All of a sudden, a faint beep went off, and Clarke turned her head right around. Her eyes grew wide, and she stopped quickly, rising upon her feet, dropping the rag into the bucket and walking into the video room. She felt anxious, and extremely determined. Her eyes caught glimpse on the brightest thing in the entire room. The red blinking light on the left side of the camcorder. Its all charged up. Clarke cautiously stepped forward, picking it up from the tripod and extending the right side screen. A logo flashed and the camera went right to a selection menu. Clarke's eyes widened as she pressed 'Okay' on 'Play most recent.' Suddenly, the scene zipped right to a roll of film. Clarke gasped as she saw what the screen displayed. The little girl in the photo, duct tape over her mouth, tied with rope to the wooden chair in the room. A tall bony figure stepped into the frame, wearing a lab coat with a needle in his right hand, a gigantic one. In fact, that looked similar to the same needle Clarke found in one of the brown boxes. The needle had a green serum swaying around in its vile, which was the same liquid in the brown boxes. The man quickly stuck the needle into the girls right arm, and her muffled screams commenced. Clarke watched in horror as the film continued, the man began pulling her teeth out, cutting her air, and slicing her arm. Clarke saw enough, she fast forwarded to a new clip, which showed the family happily recording a vlog of some sort. 

"Hey people! Me and the family are going to the beach today, little Cinderella here is wearing a dress." The father said in the video smiling, aiming the camera at the same little girl who got cut up and needled. They were in a house, a nice house, which wasn't abandoned, wasn't crumpling away, it was before the nuclear apocalypse took place. The date said 5/11/52 which made Clarke shutter. This family wasn't here recently. Clarke skipped up twenty minutes in the vlog which showed the family in traffic, over some kind of holdup. The man filmed black helicopters flying by, as in the distance you seen a cloud of dust and matter racing towards them, the family took off. Clarke skipped up thirty minutes to see the family in this very shelter, accompanied with an old man. The same exact man who injected the little girl. Clarke sat there, shocked. All the pieces are fitting together, the mystery is solved. That's why all the tapes are labeled, that's why there was an old man, that's why there was so many medical supplies down here. The family wanted to have a vacation, so they went out to the beach, out of nowhere the nuclear apocalypse happened, and the family had nowhere to go. They soon stumbled across an old bunker in the woods where they stayed. The man who lived in the bunker acted as if he were a friend, when he was really a nemesis. The family lived down here for probably a long time before the man went mad and began to do experiments of them, giving them deadly diseases and recording his work on this very camcorder the family used. Clarke solved the mystery, the mystery of this place was solved, who they were, what they were doing, and why. Clarke smiled, but her smile faded. 

"Where are the rest of the bodies?" She asked herself, her brows raised and her jaw smirked horizontally. Eerie thoughts flooded her brain as her cheeks cupped, and she snapped the screen right back into the side, where it was originally. She placed the camcorder back on the tripod, and rose a brow, searching around the room. The bodies couldn't have decomposed, considering the mother was still here when Clarke had first arrived, before the burial, with a gunshot in her brain, but her skin was fairly scoffed, it had a green tint and one eyeball was missing. Clarke shook her head, sitting down in the wooden chair. The same wooden chair who housed a little girl, tied up, and in pain. The suffered souls that thrived in this place were at peace, hopefully buried. Well, that's what Clarke hoped. 

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