Chapter 12 Bellamy

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splotches of dust and other such particles flowed from the outreaches of the room that he and Clarke just unlocked. The eeriness had Bellamy's heart pumping like crazy, as he, Clarke, and sixteen year old Octavia took their first steps into the room. Bellamy felt frightened, and somewhat relieved of what he saw. Each wall had a shelf. On that shelf, was video tapes. Mounds, and mounds of video tapes on each shelf, Bellamy would say they looked like tiny versions of VHS tapes, the stuff they had in the late 1900's before video streaming was invented. While in the center of the room, was an old dusty camera on a metal tripod. The cameras height was lowered, so that it was focused on the wooden chair right in front of it. A dangling ceiling light was on, pouring its spotlight down on the small section.

"What the hell is this place." Bellamy murmured loudly, in more of a reaction then a question. He felt Octavia's hand curl around his as she eyed the device on the tripod.

"That's a camcorder! It may have film on it!" Octavia said, pointing straight at the side of the lens. Bellamy didn't want to touch it, and he could tell neither Clarke or Octavia wanted to either, but Clarke seemed to be more curious about this place then Octavia was, because she stepped right over to it, flipping the side open to see a small black dusty screen.

"I think it still will work, but the batteries must be fried! This thing looks a century old." Clarke commented, holding up the device for display. Bellamy shrugged, walking over to Clarke and grabbing it politely, examining it thoroughly. There was a small outline streaming down the side to a small cubic hole. The hole had small lines running up and down each corner, and Bellamy instantly knew what it was used for.

"A charger inputs here, the camera may still work, must be out of battery." Bellamy said, observing the sides. "There should be a charger in one of the brown boxes we have, in the other room." Octavia smiled, placing her hands behind her back as she happily skipped from the room.

"i'll find it!" Her faint voice cheered as she fully exited the room. Bellamy shook his head smiling, as he glanced around the room.

"Clarke, do you mind checking the other room for an outlet, somewhere we can plug this in?" Bellamy asked, snapping the screen back into the camera, and placing it back on the tripod.

"Alright..." Clarke replied, exiting the room. Bellamy stood there, his hands on his hips, and a gland of sweat on his face. He rubbed the torn bottom part of his shirt against his cheeks, which soaked up most of it. How weird, he thought. To Bellamy the room seemed like some sort of camera room, perhaps the area the family took the family photo. But locking up a camera room seemed extremely irregular. Perhaps it was to lock up all these videotapes on the wall? They seemed sizable to fit in the camcorders chamber towards the bottom. Bellamy smiled, as any theories flung around his thoughts. It felt as if his mind and contemplation were playing a game of tennis with his theories. He scanned the walls, placing his fingers on each videotape, moving his fingers along the rows. He finally stopped and pulled one out, curious of what it looked like. It had a slab of tape smacked onto the front of the videotape, which made Bellamy's eyes grow wide.

"Coronary Artery Disease experiment # 36." Bellamy read the title to himself, and he froze up a bit. The video had an odd title, and made Bellamy feel a bit uncomfortable. He placed it back, pulling another tape from the opposite side of the room. All the tapes had odd labeled named, Tuberculosis, Malaria, Influenza...These all sounded like some sort of diseases to Bellamy. Bellamy felt intolerable, putting all the tapes back, feeling a chill pass down his spine. These all seemed like disturbing names for videotapes, and what was even more disturbing was that one of the tapes had droplets of red blood staining the cover. Maybe a happy little family didn't live here after all, maybe some evil form of Dracula who was obsessed with blood did. Bellamy shook his head, giggling a little, but stopped once he realized how odd the situation was.

"Is this it? Octavia asked, strolling right into the ransom room, her hands holding up a cord connected to a small box with two symmetrical pointy proms. Bellamy nodded, recognizing the familiar utensil to charge your devices. He quickly clutched it from her hand, and stuck the power-cord into the camera, and the cord into a hidden outlet on the wall, behind a stack of videotapes. Clarke came strolling back in as well, looking quite flushed and tired, but her sincere smile reassured Bellamy that she was alright. Bellamy heard the camcorder beep, assuring him it was charging. He placed it down on an unoccupied shelf, and watched as it charged away.

"What do we do now?" Octavia asked, huddling beside Bellamy and Clarke freely.

"Now we wait..." Clarke answered, staring at Bellamy. Bellamy stared back, smiling.

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