Chapter 13 Octavia

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"Goodbye to my Santa Monica dream." The song strummed Octavia's ears, as she lay down on the red velvet couch, staring up at the metal ceiling. "Fifteen kids in the backyard, drinking wine..." Octavia sighed, sitting upright, seeing Bellamy sitting at a stool, and a worried Clarke changing Finn's bandages. 

"Is it almost done charging?" Octavia asked, her brows raising. Bellamy glanced up at Octavia staring at her with a small smile spreading across his face. 

"No, a little longer, O. Trust me, finding out what this place is will be worth it, for now, just lay down." Bellamy replied, leaning back. 

"You tell me stories of the sea....And the ones you left behind." Octavia sighed, smiling as the songs lyrics touched her soul. She heard music before, but that was all the crap they made on the Ark, this is good music, soul music, the kind of music that was made on Earth, and sadly remained on Earth. "Goodbye to the roses on your street...goodbye to the paintings on the wall...goodbye to the children we'll never meet." The music went.

"When Alyson, Eugene, and Jasper return, they'll have people with them, right?" Octavia asked curiously. 

"Of course." Clarke replied swiftly. "That's the whole reason we sent them back to the old Dropship, to round up some teens to come here and carry some supplies back...we're leaving here in a few days, after we figure out what this place means, we can bring anything we like back to the Dropship." 

"And the ones we left behind...and the ones we left behind..." Octavia listened to the music and Clarke's voice, which made a happy kinda tone, making the room seem a new filter as the ceiling light dimmed a bit, probably needed a new bulb. 

"Can we bring the record player, and the records?" Octavia asked happily. 

"Sure, I'm sure everyone at the Dropship would enjoy a bit music, it'll simmer everything down as we try and sort this stuff out.." Bellamy said, smiling at Octavia. 

"Yeah, we really need a way to contact the Ark..." Clarke said, cutting in. Her words seem to have made Bellamy cringe in a way Octavia only saw once or twice, what was his deal? He was acting suspicious the whole few weeks they've been on Earth. 

"Rob's in the kitchen  making Pizza...Somewhere down in battery Park." The record began to scratch a bit, but soon returned to its average pace. "I'm singing songs about the future...wondering where you are."

"Clarke, I don't think we should contact the Ark right away, that should be the least of our problems, considering we are not alone...there are dangerous people on this planet, and we thought Eugene was one of them...Not just dangerous people, dangerous creatures, that beast almost killed Finn!" Bellamy aimed his hand at a sleeping Finn down on a sweat soaked cot. 

"You know, there is something wrong here...ever since we came down here you've been acting all frisky about contacting them...I'm suspicious, something is going on Bellamy, and I can't help unless you tell me." Clarke asked politely, looking quite concerned. Octavia also wanted to know, but didn't have enough nerve to ask. 

"I could call you on the telephone...But do I really want to know?"The music added an odd mood, which made Bellamy turn over to face Octavia and the question bearing Clarke. 

"I'm not suppose to be here..." He said plainly, crossing his arms and leaning back. Clarke looked confused, but Octavia looked even more confused. If he wasn't suppose to be here, then why is he? 

"What do you mean Bellamy, tell us." Clarke said frantically, also crossing her arms. Bellamy sighed, leaning forward. 

"Once I heard Octavia was being sent to Earth, I panicked, unsure of what to do...It was hard knowing your little sister is going to be sent to a toxic planet with ninety-nine other I had to take action." Bellamy said stiffly. 

"Your making love now to the lady down the road.."

"What did you do?" Clarke asked calmly. 

"I was given a deal. By an anonymous man, Shumway I believe his name is. He said if I kill the chancellor, I get a seat on the Dropship, I had to take the deal..To protect you." Bellamy turned towards Octavia who looked frightened. Her eyes were wide, and her jaw was unlatched from her upper lip. 

"You killed a man..." Octavia said lowly, her heart racing a bit. She knew her brother would do anything to protect her,  but murder is to much. She would understand if it was in defense, but this is just ridiculous. 

"O, I had t-" Bellamy was cut off by the faint noise of Octavia rising up on her shoes. 

"No, I don't, I don't want to know..."

"Bellamy, don't speak to killed a man! My big brother killed a man, one of the most important people on the Ark! I use to tell children at the care center that you're a hero, that you're brave! The real Bellamy wouldn't kill.." Octavia growled, curling her fingers up. Octavia was one of the first people to hate the Chancellor, he was the man who floated their Mother, but Murder out of nowhere, was too far. 

"Please Octavia, listen!" Bellamy said, standing up as well. "I did it for you, I'd do anything for you, your my little sister!" He said, stepping forward. 

"I'm somewhere, your somewhere..I'm nowhere, your nowhere...Your somewhere, Your somewhere...I could go there but I don't..

"Bellamy, I didn't ask for this...I understand your trying your best,  understand you love me, but murder is unacceptable..." Octavia whined, pouting. 

"Goodbye to my Santa Monica Dream.."

"Octavia please, I regret it, just listen!" Bellamy said, stretching his arms out. An interested Clarke sat by Finn, not saying a word, and just watching as the feud continued. 

"No, don't..Just don't!" Octavia shot back, barging past Bellamy and up the ladder into a night time clearing, the sound of the music fading behind her 

"Fifteen kids in the backyard Drinking tell em stories of the sea, and the ones you left behind...and the"

(SONG: Santa Monica Dream by Angus & Julia Stone.)

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