Chapter 10 Clarke

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The shovel stuck right into the mound of dirt, scooping it up and throwing it to the side. 

"Clarke, we shouldn't wake the dead, it's not right!" Bellamy added in retort, stepping up to Clarke. Clarke then shoveled another serving of soil to the side. Huffing and wheezing, as her bones ached from all the work shes been through. 

"We have to do this, what may be behind that metal door could be anything!" Clarke replied, continuing to shovel speedily. Bellamy exhaled gruffly, patting Clarke's shoulders. 

"Yeah, Anything! Including nothing! You should jut get over it, and we should move on! We came out here to find the other half of the Dropship, and we did, we were suppose to return to thew original Dropship, where all one hundred teenagers are located!" Bellamy growled, clutching Clarke's shoulder tighter. Clarke felt the pressure, and pulled away.

"Get off me! There is something up with that bunker! In pristine condition, no dust, random corpse, creepy records...That's a recipe for a mystery, a mystery I'm going to uncover!" She babbled, ladling a patch of dirt, throwing it to the side. An arm popped out, and so did a tip of a shoe, the body was almost fully uncovered. "Look Bellamy, why don't you just go back to the Bunker where Octavia is, I'm sure she needs help changing Finns bandages..." Clarke hustled the shovel, clasping more loam from the grave. "Go!" She snarled, staring back at Bellamy, who just already began a small trek, retreating to the underground shelter. Clarke shoveled the final amounts of soil from the corpse, crouching down on her knees to examine it thoroughly. The girls face looked as if it had gotten more green and satanic. Her arms were crusty, and crackled in pieces. Her eye balls looked like they were torn out of their sockets from some sort of scurrying rodent, probably digging around for food. And there was the beautiful diamond necklace, glimmering around her neck. Small rain droplets splatted onto Clarke's back. Soon, rain was pouring from the sky, soaking Clarke. Her hair soaked in Earths water, streaming down her face. Clarke bowed her head, in remembrance of the poor girl who took her own life. In the corner of her eye, she spotted a crumpled up piece of paper by the girls side. Clarke slowly grabbed the piece of paper, unfolding it. It was the photo. The happy family, smiling at the flash of the old camera. The picture was tinted in black and white, and the corners were ripped. Clarke flipped the photo over to see four exact numbers scribbled down. 1833. Clarke smiled joyfully sticking the photo into her pocket. That may be the code, and it may not be, time can only tell. But Clarke has a good feeling about this, she raised her hands in the rain, cheering proudly. Swish! Something soared by her head. Out of instinct, She zipped right around to the source of the object. Her face flat, and her lips pursed. Her eyebrows were up, frantically, as she curled her fingers up in a fist. "Hello?" She asked, a tinge of fear pulsing in her veins. The rain caused a foggy midst to pass through. At the edge of the clearing was a black silhouette. All Clarke could tell was that it was human. "I see y-you over there, come out now!" She stuttered, backing up. She grabbed the shovel and gripped it at an extremity. The figure dashed and disappeared behind a jumble of bushes and low hanging branches. Her eyes twitched as she scooped s bunch of loam back into the grave, wanting to bury her back up quickly. Clarke had no idea what the figure threw at her, all she was sure of was that it wanted to harm her. another scoop of soil was thrown onto the corpse. Clarke was doing it at an extreme pace, hoping the figure left. The rain dropped on Clarke's neck, buds of water slithering down her sweater into her back. A cold chill ran down her spine as she finally shoveled the last bit of soil into the grave, Hitching the shovel in the top. She spun right around, beginning a quaint jog towards the underground bunker, her legs going quickly. She passed what looked like an arrow, sticking from the ground. She gulped as she received the realization that the human being wanted to kill her. This made her extraordinarily paranoid. She soon reached the ladder to the bunker. Down she slid, opening up the bottom door to see Bellamy laying back on the red velvet couch, and Octavia catering Finn under the ceiling light. 

"Do you have it?" Bellamy asked, his chin shooting up. Clarke nodded, pulling it back from her back pocket. The strip of paper was soaked, but the ink was still readable. Clarke held it up before sticking it back into her pockets. 

"1833." She said plainly, staring at him in hope. Bellamy half smiled, but soon frowned. 

"I wish you wouldn't have done that...but I guess if you want something enough, you have to get it...and I'm kinda happy for you...Now lets try that code." Bellamy snickered, lifting up on his heels, trudging past the coffee table towards the metal door which was hidden behind the shelves. Bellamy punched in the first three numbers, and Clarke punched in the final one. 

"Access code accepted." An electronic voice said, beating from a section of speakers under the panel. The handle of the door detached from the wall interior, and Clarke yanked it open. Bellamy and Clarke's jaw unloosened at the sight. Even Octavia shot up, and went between them. 

"Whoa..." Octavia said lowly, holding Bellamy's hand. Clarke gulped, curling her fingers, and stepping inside the room. Secrets shall be unlocked.  

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