Chapter 8 Bellamy

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The sun was bright, and his forehead was soaked in sweat, and so was his back. A shirtless Bellamy swung and old wooden ax on a crumple of branches which lay on the grassy grounds. It was the next day, and Finn wasn't doing any better. Over the night his gash in his leg got worse, Clarke even identified what had to be an infection. She told Bellamy to go get firewood, because Fall wasn't far, and after Fall, was Winter. Chop! Went the ax as it sliced the blunt log into two, falling carelessly to the grassy grounds. 

"Well, you learned to chop wood I see." Clarke asked, rising up behind him as she placed her hands on her hips, raising both of her blonde brows towards her temples. 

"Learned? Ha, I already knew how. On The Ark, in my Earth Skills class, they made fake wood out of plastic, and had an old pioneer ax on Tesla station which we used. I remember Octavia use to pretend to be a lumberjack, and hack them in half...." He said, swinging the Ax over his shoulders, as he stared at the ground in envy. Clarke patted his sweaty shoulder, smiling. 

"Don't worry, Octavia may have changed, but change is's just apart of growing up." 

"yeah but...I miss when she was the little girl greeting me when I got home from my classes, how she always use to make stories of her being the queen of Earth, how she will someday be a princess...I felt so bad, that those dreams would never come true..We had to hide her under the damn floor for Christs sake!" He complained placing his forehead in his palms. 

"Don't worry, Bellamy. She is still the sweet little girl you knew, she is just adapting...No matter what happens, she'll always be your sister." Clarke smiled at him, patting him once more. 

"Thanks Princess." Bellamy replied, joining in on the smiling session. "Now, lets focus on the issues and missions...did you find any kind of medicine to help Finn?" He asked, looking more concerned then he did earlier. 

"No, not at all. I thought the boxes contained med's or something, but all they have is old records, CD's, and vials of some green liquid and needles." Clarke replied, twirling her Blonde hair. Bellamy noticed the change in her hair recently. Her hair now had some kind of odd symmetrical side parting to it. 

"Then inject him with some of the green liquid crap! It's better then giving him nothing! Watching him die won't resolve anything." Bellamy shot back, hacking another chunk of wood into halves. 

"I would, but...I'm unsure if the green liquid is safe. The vials have no labels, and it could be poison for all we know!" Clarke replied, uncurling her hair, letting it dangle at the edge. 

"It can't be poison, a family lived there for Christ's sake! They had children, I doubt they would keep poison around children.." He snorted.

"That body I found, it wasn't anyone in the photo. So that means there was different people in there over time. I have a few theories, and I feel like I'm on the final piece, I just need it all to lick together.." Bellamy felt a tinge of guilt,t overcome his thoughts, the girl that Clarke and Alyson buried, was the girl from the photo, he just never found the correct time to notify Clarke about it. He had to tell the truth. he has been lying the whole time, he isn't one of the hundred, he shot the Chancellor. But that is something he can't let anybody know, not at all.

"I also found some radio parts in a few boxes, we just need someone who is familiar with technology who can construct it so they can contact the Ark. When The Dropship broke into two, we lost all communications, everything we had to contact back to them, was I'm thinking--"

"The girl we buried was the girl from the photo." Bellamy interrupted, he had to think of something to tell her to shut her up. He can't let her contact The Ark, it's too risky, if they find out Earth is safe, they'll come down, and he'll be thrown into jail. Clarke's expression went solid, as her squirmy arms fell to her side. 

"No...The girl didn't share any facial similarities to the one we buried...right? And how would you know? This is big information, this means all my theories are incorrect." Clarke said, looking befuddled. "How do you know for sure?"

"When we were burying her, she was wearing a diamond necklace. The same girl in the photo wore one. They both had black hair, and you know after a while, the body begins to decompose, and facial recognition is difficult. Clarke crossed her arms, and pursed her lips. 

"Wow, and you kept this to yourself!? When were you planning to tell me!? To tell Us!?" She sounded irritated, stepping forward out of aggression. "We are suppose to be working together, if you keep hiding things, things won't work out. A group is like a puzzle. We all connect and help each other out. If you don't help out, the puzzle will be incomplete..."

"Clarke, I'm sorry! Something in my mind told me to not tell, I wasn't sure what it is, my subconscious or something." He sniveled, placing his hands on his hips. "I'll tell you next time." He couldn't believe he was taking crap from someone four years younger then him, but something told him he was right to listen to her. 

"Alright, we'll just have to see it to believe it. I have to get back to Finn, I'll see you later..." Clarke replied, beginning a pace towards the ladder by the half Dropship, which led all the way down into the dark bunker, where Finn and probably Octavia are. Bellamy sighed, hacking the Ax into the side of the wooden stump he used to balance the logs he was chopping. He plopped right down, sticking his arms through his shirt, slipping it back on slowly. Clarke was right. Everybody has to cooperate in a group, no matter what the circumstances are. But Bellamy doesn't think he can tolerate this any longer, they'll be on their way down from The Ark, any day now. As each day passes, the circumstances grow more dire, more people are dying. Bellamy never imagined Earth would be like this. All the Death, and Sorrow. And worst of all, the people that have to grow up through it all. Including Octavia. 

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