Chapter 15 Wells

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Dane was recovering. Wells used the Aloe Vera to heal him, and he was now slumbering away under a blanket on a cot on the third floor of the Dropship. 

"thank you." Olivia said plainly smiling sincerely. Wells smiled back, washing his hands off at a nearby pail filled with florescent water which glimmered under the morning sunlight. 

"Don't mention it...Just watch out for him, okay? Change his bandages every few hours, and keep him hydrated..Me and a lot of others are transporting over to a bunker, we won't be back for maybe a day or two." 

"Alright." Olivia replied, hugging Wells, before raising her brows quizzically. "I didn't know you knew how to sue medicine, I always thought the Chancellors son was some delinquent who only cared about himself, but that's before I realized how sweet you are, thank you." Wells smiled back again, before waving off as he trekked over to the group traveling back to the bunker with them. Eugene, Alyson, Jasper, of course not Alexandra due to her leg, but there were some other faces. Linq, Murphy, and two others. Wells furrowed his brow as he observed Murphy. 

"If you continue to look anymore, your going to end up with a bloody nose..." Murphy chanted, his hands behind his back. Wells rolled his eyes forwarding to Alyson. 

"We really had to bring him?" Wells whispered, glancing over his shoulder back at the troubled teen. Alyson shrugged distinguishing a snort. 

"Who cares, hes a string boy, and his attitude towards things are pristine...hes a fighter, we may need one of those..." Alyson replied, beginning a small walk from the Dropship, the six others following them. 

"Speaking of 'Fighting,' Do we have any more info on these 'Grounders?' Did we even alert the camp!?" Wells asked frantically. Alyson calmed him down by smacking his back softly. 

"shh, calm down, we don't want them to'll cause a panic..when they asked about Eugene we told the story of him coming down, but we didn't include the Grounder part." Alyson said steering him past an uprooted tree. Wells sighed, understanding it wasn't the correct thing to do, but Alyson was at least half right, if the camp did find out, they'd panic, and possibly cause a riot. 

"So Chancellor of Earth, what are we doing?" Murphy asked, budging into the conversation. Wells snorted, crossing his arms. 

"How can you volunteer for something, yet not know what your doing?" Wells asked, a bit disgusted and bitter. 

"I'm just trying to do what I can to help out, now whats the plan?"

"We go back to the bunker we came across, and scrap it for anything we need, water, any sort of food that managed to survive the cataclysm, and perhaps anything we's not like anyone lives there, so this will be a huge break for us." Wells said, the plan hovering over to the rest of the group. Everyone nodded, and continued down the muddy path. Hours have passed, and they were already more then halfway there. 

"I'm thirsty..." Linq muttered, holding his side as he trekked by the Alyson to be higher up in the group line. Wells eased back a little to give him a subtle pat on the shoulder, smiling warmly. 

"It's alright, man. I'm sure there is water there, right Jasper?" Wells asked.

"U-Um, yea, there is water bottles...lots of water bottles.." Jasper replied nervously. Linq nodded and continued walking, scratching the metallic wristband around his wrist. 

"Wells, can I take this off? it's hurting my wrist.." Linq replied in sorrow, his eyes twitching. Wells sighed, shaking his head. 

"We lost all contact to the Ark, these wristbands are the only things letting them know we are still alive, without these wristbands, they'll think we are dying...and we are not going to show them that. Lets just keep moving we'll be able to take them off when their finally down here." Wells said averagely, keeping his normal pace down the hills. 

"Dying?" One of the anonymous teens said hoarsely. "Why in the world would they think we are dying!?" He asked. Wells gulped, not all the teens here knew that others lurked the planet. wells sighed, knowing it was time to speak up. 

"Well, you s--" Wells voice was cut off by a sphere being shot from the woods straight at the anonymous boy, sending him to fly back and stick into a tree. Wells's jaw hung loose as he leaped back in instinct, his hands suddenly trembling. 

"Look!" Murphy screamed, aiming up towards a branch, a shadowy figure standing there inanimately. Everyone else didn't acknowledge that someone just got mutilated by a sphere, they just all fled. Jasper, Murphy, and all of them, just ran into the woods. The only ones still standing beside Wells was Alyson and Eugene. Eugene pulled out some sort of rifle. A rifle. Wells eyes lit up, as an old mystery crossed his mind. These people seem to not have a taste for firearms, such as rifles and shotguns, they like hand weapons and bows more. Eugene could have been the one to shoot Dane. Wells was continuing to think, but the blinding yellow spark at the hook of the rifle ignited, and an empty bullet shell dropped to the ground, as the bullet swished into the tree. The figure suddenly fell to the muddy dirt floor, dropping right under the night stars. Wells gasped, backing up. Eugene killed the Grounder, or whatever the hell they are called. Wells panicked, backing up, frightened. Sweat was beginning to form around his temples as he shot the carcass another disgusted glance. 

"Y-You killed it!" Wells gasped, eyeing Eugene frantically. Just like how he almost killed Dane, probably with the same rifle. But Wells spoke too soon, as the corpse began to flail around and twitched in a agitated fashion, its hands moving rapidly.  Wells placed his hands over his mouth, as he ran forward to the twitching human. 

"Wells no!" Alyson shouted, attempting to halt him in his tracks, but it was too late, Wells was already by the beings side. Wells rolled the human over, seeing its face under a pool of shadows. It was a man. He had a beard growing from around his mouth to his chin, he had a painted circle around his eyes which made him seem even more gruesome, and his hair braided, dangling behind his shoulders. Wells eyes filled with sorrow, and shame, but the shame soon faded, once the man quickly swung an Ax at Wells. It missed Wells by an inch, and he leaped back, screaming. Alyson and Eugene ran forward, Eugene panicking and aiming his gun at the man. 

"Who are you!? Are you apart of the East clans!?" Eugene asked, in more of a growl then a question. The faking man on the floor, raised his hands and snorted. 

"Foolish sky person, Lexa's rules don't apply to you all, you all will perish if you don't leave the premises, you'll all be hunted down and drained of your blood wickedly!" The man spat. Wells eyes widened. He seen them before, but he never seen them talk. 

"I want answers, dammit! Where are you from, East? Or North?" Eugene asked, aiming the rifle, his hands shaking out of fear. Wells saw the fear in Eugene's pupils, and so did the Grounder. But the Grounder rose upon his feet, staring at Eugene with a wicked smile. 

"Yu Gonplei Ste Odon..." The Grounder said before chucking something at Eugene, and dashing into the woods. Wells and Alyson looked at Eugene. He was fine, But Wells noticed a throbbing twitching force behind Eugene. Linq. Linq was standing in the background the whole time. And apparently, the Grounder threw the Ax, and it struck Linq right in the chest, paralyzing him. His body slowly dropped to the grounder with a thud. Wells eyes widened as he shrieked. He is dead. 

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